A small point to consider…
As attack jets fly thru hostile night skies, many family members of pilots and crew live in base housing.
When budgets are cut, bombs and fuel budgets aren’t affected. Cuts happen to base housing before anything else.
Families pay.
What? The protests are on MSNBC every night, i.e., Chris, Raquel, and Lawrence! I'm not a huge fan of any media at this point, but they are showing pushback!
So drones? Because US drones are always A. Authorized in other airspace and B. Up to good.
Right? /sarcasm
I’m sure Iran will take this sitting down.
This man is going to kill us all #FuckDonaldTrump
"When you poll numbers are rapidly going down the toilet because of all of the chaos you have unleashed on your country, the best thing you can do to distract the dumb asses that voted for you is start bombing somebody!"says Donald Trump!
Isn't POTUS and his monkey followers against war? He claims he wants peace. Now he's starting a war, which is something he has never personally been involved in bc of his feet problems??? Another one of his thousands of lies.
Now Trump wants
a war w/
Yesterday it was Greenland,
or was it
seems to me it might have been
This aged, orange, flabby POTUS
is crazy as a loon.
tRump is not a symptom but he is an authoritarian. When people don't have any experience with this type of dysfunction for the first time, they fall back on habit. Attacking our family and friends turning on each other is what this dictator wants. Don't
So, how about Bush Jr, Clinton ? Both happy to bomb civilians and civilian infrastructure, one in the Middle East, the other in Central Europe. Or how about going back further ? Vietnam, a war born of a lie, civilians executed by American troops.
No one is going to stop Trump or ever hold him accountable. If they could, they would have. Trump is above the law & is now a dictator in an authoritarian regime. We no longer have a democracy. If you think the last 50 days have been bad, brace yourself because it's going to get far, far worse.
As a Forest Service hydrologist, she monitored water for farms, wildfire risks & flood prevention—then got fired over email with no warning. The people who terminated her never even met her. This is what happens when scientists protecting our resources are cut. https://youtu.be/7zUrlvbje1k
I am not going to shed a tear for the genocidal Houthis, but they are like the Taliban or Hamas, they will not be destroyed by air attacks, they have survived far worse then this at the hands of Gulf Arab regimes for a decade now.
This is just starting a war that is unlikely to end well
If we weren't already hatred by the Muslim countries, now add our European "friends" who now also despise us! Are we asking to be attacked? Not all haters will come from foreign countries. Some are homegrown! He's betraying his base. They can be a vicious group!
The Houthis are hated by almost every nation in the Arab world other than Iran. Since those shipping lanes are critical to Arab wealth I strongly doubt many people in UAE of Dubai are going to be that upset.
I understand that is true as to that particular group, no sympathy for their exposure, but mentioned the Muslims because no matter who we target, innocence people will be killed! The point was this man claimed never to use our funds in foreign actions!
I understand that Trump is a liar and also I fail to see the point to this attack at this time, as the Houthis had stopped attacking shipping. Its complex, but Trump action does not make a great deal of sense on many levels, but given how terrible the Houthis are I don't really care about them
He is that! LOL The Houthis with Iran backing are very problematic, especially for Israel! We are such hypocrites that we choose to help Israel open its shipping lanes but leave Ukraine to fend for itself. I know, I know the relationship is different, NATO member! See what I did!
I thought this President never participated in a war? Another point, notice he only takes on countries considered minions in the world? That's what a bullying does!
Republicans will not be happy until they start WW III. Of course, none of their children would be serving ... bonespurs are part of generational wealth.
Trump wants to invade many countries, is threatening to bomb others, & is the enemy of the Free World. He wants the Nobel Peace Prize because he's jealous of Obama.
France is replying. When asked by Canada, we will deploy our nuclear weapons & Macron is planning on restoring the National Service..
Conservatives are at their best (and worst) when they can project. No more war. No cuts to health education social security which means yes to all of the above
Of course….
He wants to be a big boy now.
Canada and Mexico kicked him in the balls and embarrassed the fuck out of him.
So now he needs to pick a fight with some 3rd world countries.
He’s gonna to, without proof, accuse thousand of migrants of being in this “gang”.
And because of his bully pulpit, no one will try to stop him.
He will illegally ship thousands of people out and claim it was “patriotic”.
What is the real reason for this attack? Does anyone know? I’m sorry to say, I don’t trust this president, so I’m not buying what he’s trying to sell here!!
The Houthis have spent the last 2 years firing missiles and drones at ships for Iran. They are an Iranian proxy group. They are not good people, look into them farming the drug khat leading to the starvation of millions.
I thought the major goal of being isolationist was that if the United States stays out of other countries' affairs, they would have fewer enemies and could reduce military spending?
Thinking shouldn't this be at least today's leading story?! And the fact that it's (once again) an ordered military strike without congressional approval? (War Powers Resolution)
Don't let this be normalized.
Show the protests. Quit reciting the same thing on every show.
It's ridiculous. Americans are pissed. We don't care about polls. Show the reality.
Go to threads. There are thousands of clips. You are missing the mark
As attack jets fly thru hostile night skies, many family members of pilots and crew live in base housing.
When budgets are cut, bombs and fuel budgets aren’t affected. Cuts happen to base housing before anything else.
Families pay.
What can go wrong?
#WW3 #Yemen #AmericanImperialism
Right? /sarcasm
I’m sure Iran will take this sitting down.
This man is going to kill us all #FuckDonaldTrump
Now Trump wants
a war w/
Yesterday it was Greenland,
or was it
seems to me it might have been
This aged, orange, flabby POTUS
is crazy as a loon.
If you have a friend or relative in the US military, THEY did this.
Trump DIDN'T arm the planes.
Trump DIDN'T get into the planes.
Trump DIDN'T fly any of the planes.
Trump DIDN'T ensure the bombs and missiles hit a city.
That shit is down to YOUR friends and family.
This is just starting a war that is unlikely to end well
The Islamic world is not a uniform entity
France is replying. When asked by Canada, we will deploy our nuclear weapons & Macron is planning on restoring the National Service..
WWWIII.. Was it projection for what he wants to do?
It’s not about whether the Houthis are bad actors—they are—or whether the U.S. has interests at stake—it does.
That decision belongs to the Congress, not the President.
Good lord so many conspiracy theories running rampant today
He wants to be a big boy now.
Canada and Mexico kicked him in the balls and embarrassed the fuck out of him.
So now he needs to pick a fight with some 3rd world countries.
And because of his bully pulpit, no one will try to stop him.
He will illegally ship thousands of people out and claim it was “patriotic”.
Trump has outsourced his job to an unelected dead-beat dad with 14 kids and four to five baby mamas.
I was obviously wrong.
Don't let this be normalized.
[email protected]
Show the protests. Quit reciting the same thing on every show.
It's ridiculous. Americans are pissed. We don't care about polls. Show the reality.
Go to threads. There are thousands of clips. You are missing the mark