When your brain is so rotted out from syphilis that you think you can create a new kind of organized crime at an international level and have a cadre of fascist pissboys who will do anything to suck money off of you.
The mental deficiency is indicative of America writ-large.
BREAKING: Trump just made gas a luxury item! His ‘secondary tariffs’ mean Americans must pay tribute to the Fuel God—only the pious can afford $10/gal. I love you, Trump! Truly a devoted worshipper of high prices & economic self-sabotage. #MakeAmericansBrokeAgain
"As spelled out in the president's social media posts."
??!!! Tell me where else in the world government policy is made and disseminated like that. Someone had better tell the 🍊💩🤡 and his cronies that it's not supposed to work that way. Not that he'd pay the slightest bit of attention.
Spain and Singapore may bend to Trump's demand. China clearly will not. It will be interesting to see what Vietnam does. The U.S. imports a lot of stuff from Vietnam.
They were down there a lot and up to something.
The mental deficiency is indicative of America writ-large.
Get ready for HIGHER gas prices!
#Mexico #Canada
??!!! Tell me where else in the world government policy is made and disseminated like that. Someone had better tell the 🍊💩🤡 and his cronies that it's not supposed to work that way. Not that he'd pay the slightest bit of attention.