“Some people find the term (insert name here) offensive” so… when has that stopped anyone from just saying what they thought, especially The people with MAGA hats? It hasn’t. I don’t care if “anti vaxxers” are offended.
I am pro vaccination for vaccines that have been on the market & tested over 40+yrs. New vaccines - hard pass, as we don’t understand long term effects and I’m not willing to learn them the hard way. No Covid19 for this 1 kidney woman.
So, you aren't willing to learn the long-term effects of the vaccine, but ARE willing to learn the long term effects of the disease? We already know it's is worse mid-term: T-cell amnesia, long covid, etc. You're choosing "This is definitely very bad" over "We can't be certain this isn't bad".
Ah, if you live a life where you can have that little exposure to people, then I suppose you're also not likely to impact herd immunity, meaning it might actually be just a personal choice at that point.
Not many people can do that, but I suppose if it works for you :shrug:.
They estimate that 2 hours later 10 people walk in 9 will get it.. that’s as close to 💯 contagious as you can get… there really isn’t another virus that is this contagious… they are idiots..
I can’t understand why otherwise, educated people stopped believing in science? RFKjr’s father and uncles are rolling in their graves.My dad born in 1917 lived to 97. He hated Bush and was most proud of serving in the army as a 1st Lieutenant. I’m so glad he didn’t live to see this.His sister’s 101.
What is offensive is that they are also killing people who cannot vax due to serious health conditions. People who are scientifically literate, would love to vaccinate, and can’t. They are who the heard immunity is supposed to protect as well.
Refusing to care about them is just disgusting.
I would like to make a point that death should not be the only metric to use when discussing vaccine protection. Many severe and life altering complications happen with getting these diseases. Permanent hearing loss, brain damage and life long suppression of your immune system are just a few.
Anti-vax is offensive. It's an offensive to all human progress since the Renaissance. It's offensive to human intelligence. It's degeneration to medieval conditions.
I’m so sad for the infants & children who are the victims.
They had no say in the matter.
You don’t have a right to not be offended.
My brother lost most of hearing in one ear…because there wasn’t a vaccine yet.
You have no excuse.
VACCINATE your children. Some people CAN’T get vaccines, and you are putting them in danger, as well. Just like with COVID.
Lots of idiots and sociopaths.
Not many people can do that, but I suppose if it works for you :shrug:.
Refusing to care about them is just disgusting.
So much disinformation and just insanity surrounding vaccines, that people would rather speed run their child's death than accept the science.