seeing how trump is fucking literally everyone on this planet up is a bit terrifying.
for people living with hiv/aids in nigeria, they won’t be able to access drugs readily anymore, since he’s cut funding the one is the major donors providing free drugs for patients.
for people living with hiv/aids in nigeria, they won’t be able to access drugs readily anymore, since he’s cut funding the one is the major donors providing free drugs for patients.
nigeria has the second highest burden of hiv/aids in the world, with an estimated number of cases being three million including women and children.
without these drugs, cases are going to soar, aka we’re in deep shit.
they’re fucking incompetent and making life unbearable for everyone. regular healthcare is already inaccessible to a majority of the population, there’s no way they’re doing anything about folks living would hiv/aids
we’re truly and completely fucked.
i can only imagine how hard it’ll be for others now to access help or care.