I was trying to figure out why Trump's team leaked to the WSJ that their ICE squads were starting their roundups on Tuesday. It Chicago specifically. I wondered why Chicago? This snippet filled that missing blank in for me: They wanna take on the Illinois Trust Act and the Welcoming City Ordinance.
Chicago is also one of the many sanctuary cities, and one of the largest, at that, next to Los Angeles and New York City. If the Trump Brigade wants to make a point, they're gonna start where it hits the hardest. https://www.fairus.org/issue/10-largest-sanctuary-cities-united-states
You likely correct, however; I cannot bring myself to think Trump has put enough thought into anything that complicated - he is much more of a PAB response sort of guy. Chicago has been his successful whipping boy for too many years.
It wasnβt a leak and he has had it in for Chicago for a long time. Maybe something to do with Obama lived there. His Trump hotel in Chicago found liable for polluting the river, Itβs a blue city?
But they will go after all large cities in blue states. Get rid of voters is what I think.
also wonder if they plan to get all eyes on Chicago while their ICE thugs hit a bunch of other major cities. Think we need to be prepared everywhere all at once.
But they will go after all large cities in blue states. Get rid of voters is what I think.
Provoking Kristallnacht?