Dictators are always the same if you help them you are "decent people" but if you are against them you are "vermin" and should be stomped out. Trump's no different he will turn deadly force onto the peaceful protesters that show resistance and give deadly authority to the hateful that show loyalty.
This is the world white supremacists built—mediocre, hateful, and ignorant. The rest of us are fighting for something better. #StandAgainstRacism #ForABetterWorld
Do they not know that Antifa is short for anti-fascist? How can a person who calls themselves an American and be against an anti-fascist organization. I mean, is there even an organization? Pretty sure maga just started using that monicker on their own and liberals subsumed it
some of us didn't vote for that guy and there has got to be some willing to take a mission-of-no-return for The Constitution and our fellow Americans.