To date the only commercially successful humanoid robots have been for education/research (the Pepper robot) or the arts (RoboThespian). Humanoid robots are generally over engineered for industrial applications. 1/2
Thoughts on this? >> Apptronik, which makes humanoid robots, raises $350M as
category heats up: Apptronik, a University of Texas spin-out that was quietly building humanoid robots before it became quite so fashionable, on Thursday… >> Comment below! #AI #healthtech #mhealth #industry40 #IoT
category heats up: Apptronik, a University of Texas spin-out that was quietly building humanoid robots before it became quite so fashionable, on Thursday… >> Comment below! #AI #healthtech #mhealth #industry40 #IoT
There will always be a better design solution for tasks than the limited human anatomy.