When starship Captain NJ finds two human stowaways, he’s unsure how to handle them. But then, no one is - humans are the most endangered species in the universe.
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Rating: Explicit
CW: Dub con (due to inability to communicate), graphic sex between aliens and humans, prostate milking, infantilization, assisted peeing, lactation/breastfeeding …and probably a whole lot more.
Since he had only just stepped onto the bridge, and had yet to actually take over from his Second Mate, HS, in commanding the ship, Captain NJ decided to investigate for himself. He responded to the alert through his retina implant, allowing the rest of his crew to return to their usual duties.
Already predicting his Captain’s response, First Mate (and therefore head of security) SJ darted into the elevator with effortless agility. The backup was appreciated, but was likely unnecessary.
The last time they had unauthorised lifesigns was when the Chief Engineer TH had adopted a small fluffy creature as a pet. The time before that was thanks to his Chief Cook, JK, buying live fish for an ancient dish he wanted to try.
His crew were a kind hearted bunch (a necessity for a refugee relocation starship), but were all a little lax when it came to official lines of communication and documentation.
/Ship, is cabin 206 occupied?/ NJ asked through his implant, but kept the line open so that SJ could also hear the reply.
CW: Dub con (due to inability to communicate), graphic sex between aliens and humans, prostate milking, infantilization, assisted peeing, lactation/breastfeeding …and probably a whole lot more.
/Two unauthorised lifesigns detected, deck two fwd. Guest cabin 206./
Directly underneath the bridge by about 300 decks, only a short elevator ride down.
/Ship, is cabin 206 occupied?/ NJ asked through his implant, but kept the line open so that SJ could also hear the reply.