Look at his sycophants' smiling and salivating at his every word. While they are calculating how much they are screwing the American people out of all their money.
Provided we have fair elections ahead.
I’ll be interested to see if SCOTUS even deigns to take up any of the nonsense the admin is promising to bring. If they do, how they rule will tell us whether we still have a country, or whether it’s time to water the tree of liberty, again.
both started at january. but trump got the green card from the supreme court from beginning. The Enabling Law has been given to hitler on the 23 March 1933.
both has degenerated the parlament to a praising institution
of her glory highness.
Half of this country are gullible fucking idiots. There are protests, a lot of them. They just aren't being covered by the media, which fails us massively on a daily basis.
There are a lot of screwed up things coming together in a perfect storm of incompetence right now.
We're trying.
They won't take my decision to leave for Japan kindly. But I can live with the fate of being trespass noticed from America forever. Though I wonder if Kamala Harris, AOC or Jasmine Crockett will call out trespass noticing Americans leaving as unconstitutional. Maybe POTUS AOC can undo the notice...
What would it take for you to give up everything you worked your entire life for? I mean I gotta think he sweated it out in law school and lawyering and judging and now he’s a total fucking simp. I don’t research so WTF do I know but I almost feel sorry for the sellout’y douche. But mostly just hate
Too bad PopEye won't bother with any vaccines.
I’ll be interested to see if SCOTUS even deigns to take up any of the nonsense the admin is promising to bring. If they do, how they rule will tell us whether we still have a country, or whether it’s time to water the tree of liberty, again.
both has degenerated the parlament to a praising institution
of her glory highness.
Plural form needed for that pic!
Good evening & carry on! 😁
That picture is loaded with spineless pricks.
Republicans approve of this Coup.
This would all STOP if they objected. Treat them accordingly!
Why you people just accept this horror and misery for the rest of your life’s 🙈🙈🙈🙈
If I did I’m sorry because I thought I spoke in general 🤷🏻♀️
Maybe you do not understand what I want to express here
I just do not see millions of extreme angry people on the street
People do not realize the severity that is strange to me that’s all.
There are a lot of screwed up things coming together in a perfect storm of incompetence right now.
We're trying.
But definitely telling.