The last week or so there's been a lot of talk about Amazon thanks to their decision to remove downloads for Kindle books from their site. They're trapping you in their ecosystem.
Readers are frustrated. Authors feel stuck.
Stop giving Amazon so much power already.
Readers are frustrated. Authors feel stuck.
Stop giving Amazon so much power already.
Right now I'm doing my store through FourthWall hooked up to BookFunnel on a subdomain I own.
Good thing is BF allows watermarking ebooks through them.
I do FW because they handle taxes, which are not something I enjoyed handling when I ran my WooCommerce shop. Was too stressful.
You will not miss it. All merchants now ship. Amazon no longer serves what cannot be obtained everywhere. Stop feeding the fraud!!
DUMP GOOGLE TOO!!! USE "DuckDuckGo' as your search engine. So far, it is private and does not store your search info.
Go direct with Kobo, Google Play, B&N. Use Draft2Digital to hit Apple (trust me, Apple's interface is awful and they only have a skeleton crew for support) and a bunch of other places.
I use FourthWall tied into my BookFunnel for direct sales
I've had to fix so many of my appliances that were new and expensive.
I've had a Libra H2O since then and my wife now has a Libra Color.
If you publish direct to Amazon via their KDP dashboard is when you get the option of being exclusive and all the other weirdness.
Publishing books across more stores is always good!