Didn't his SCOTUS give him total immunity for any crime he commits as President? That's why he feels he can do absolutely anything he wants, including ignoring the law, the Constitution, and orders from several judges. He believes himself above the law. A megalomaniac for sure!
The Constitution only matters when people are acting in good faith. The current regime isn't, and won't. The Constitution is just a piece of paper to them.
I implore you all to read On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder. It is a short 120 page read. I ordered five copies for $7 each to hand out to people who might read and share it. It is arranged around 20 topics of action - both things to not do and things to do even today to resist and fight Tyranny.
Intimidating or influencing a judge to obstruct the due administration of justice is a federal offense under 18 U.S.C. § 1503, which prohibits actions that impede or influence the judicial process.
art 1 power of the purse for spending
art 2 take care clause for obey the law
all gov depts are created by statute, art 1
officers of usa confirmed by senate art 1
due process 5th 14th amds
This fascist SCOTUS has effectively rewritten the Constitution
1a. Bush v. Gore ended person voting power
1b. replaced voting with $1/1 vote
2. w/ TX SB8 - const. is no longer supreme
3. In 249yrs SCOTUS decided to give one person retroactive & 'absolute immunity'
Then maybe THE CONSTITUTION should do something about it.
The Rule of Law people seem to be willing to let him do all the criming against THE CONSTITUTION he desires.
More concerned about the power TAKEN.
#SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump and his #MAGA minions-WILL Try to IGNORE All Court Orders short of #SCOTUS.
Trump could even try to ignore SCOTUS, as HE thinks SCOTUS has given him a Hall Pass, and he Knows SCOTUS can't arrest.
Did whole generations fail Civics & American Government & while I'm at it Biology ?
If you do NOT know these & I have a suggestion for your life-
Move out of the U.S. & study very hard the above courses. Once you pass them ?
Come on back & know yoir own NATION.
Why does he keep getting away with it???
She lies like all of them
It has to be her only asset
(if he controls the Dept. of Justice, plus rest of the Cabinet and Congress)
Did you say constitution!
I guess people missed the death notice during the 24 hour streaming news ad breaks?
art 2 take care clause for obey the law
all gov depts are created by statute, art 1
officers of usa confirmed by senate art 1
due process 5th 14th amds
This fascist SCOTUS has effectively rewritten the Constitution
1a. Bush v. Gore ended person voting power
1b. replaced voting with $1/1 vote
2. w/ TX SB8 - const. is no longer supreme
3. In 249yrs SCOTUS decided to give one person retroactive & 'absolute immunity'
The Rule of Law people seem to be willing to let him do all the criming against THE CONSTITUTION he desires.