I'm so glad my father, a retired captain of the US Navy, passed in December and doesn't need to worry about his Navy income cancelled. Of course I him, he was 94, it was his time and I'm grateful.
Right they don’t care about that and people should be enraged even more so because of that it’s your fucking money you’ve paid your whole life and they want to say we still spending? No we can’t let that happen. People better show up down there with pitch forks if they do this bullshit.
I always hated that they made entitlement a dirty word. We paid into it, it’s ours. We are entitled to it. They just took from it and decided we were no longer entitled.
Social Security is a trust fund and the people who paid in are beneficiaries. An entitlement is “a government program that guarantees and provides benefits to a particular group.” They are not the same thing.
Correct! Many have worked many many years and have had FICA deducted from their checks when they didn’t even know what it was!!!
SS IS NOT AN ENTITLEMENT! Plus Trump/Musk should be working to eliminate Part D deductions every month!
Its one thing to have an entitlement that I didnt pay into. Soc Sec is one I directly paid into. If they arbitrarily stop SocSec even Magas will revolt
I hate the way that word has been twisted around. You are Entitled! The problem is with people who act like they are entitled when they are not.
Like "woke". Being awake to and aware of injustice is a good thing. These people have nothing but lies.
Yes. Yes, it is. The government is entitled (required by law) to provide certain benefits which may include financial assistance, goods, or services.
One of these entitled benefits (required by law) is
Social Security. The government is entitled to pay you because you are entitled to that payment
Isn't it sad anyone feels the need to differentiate between "earned" and "entitlement". These divisions we do not need...the working class, the poor fighting for scraps while the rich have excess.
Also to your assessment, Nasty Nick thought it important to take me to task with insults. I love the Block feature. Guess the mansplainer has no sense of humor. Or perspective. Hope he heals.
It is an entitlement because it's YOUR money. The GOP have convinced their minions that entitlement is a bad word, but in the case of Social Security and Medicare, entitlement is like a pension. You are definitely entitled to it!
I'm right with you! I really don't think he'll want to look out a window to see a bunch of gray hairs coming toward him. Life in prison means crap at our age!
It is an entitlement. The fact that you think that's a bad word is strange. You are entitled to those payments. There's no reason why you shouldn't receive every penny owed to you.
I don’t think it’s a bad word. For some reason there are those who simply did not understand the caps are an emphasis on the misappropriation of the term. One got so aggressive I needed to block them.
And I’ve been self employed most of my working life so I am also the employer that paid the other half of my contributions. I’m a doubly pissed that these assholes have messed with anyone this way.
I can’t say “misery loves company “ is making this feel any better Andy. I wonder what a resistance of furious seniors is going to look like if those traitors pull shit with us? No one should be dealing with this anxiety. And today I bought a dozen eggs and had to check my eyesight!
Yeah, it definitely is, since an entitlement program is one where there is no discretion involved and you are ENTITLED to the payment if you meet the criteria. Bad faith or moronic Republican politicians have misled a lot of people about what an entitlement is.
SS IS NOT AN ENTITLEMENT! Plus Trump/Musk should be working to eliminate Part D deductions every month!
Like "woke". Being awake to and aware of injustice is a good thing. These people have nothing but lies.
One of these entitled benefits (required by law) is
Social Security. The government is entitled to pay you because you are entitled to that payment