Great. Thanks! Yeah we also have our own service which brings other benefits as well. We can send custom headers to identify the client and target the ota to certain people.
We are considering daily deploys through expo updates, but it’s delicate since any native change would block the release.
yep, the delicate part is the scary/annoying part...
when i set this up, i used expo-fingerprint to:
- on merges to main, build a new client if there have been new native changes between main and the pr being merged
- otherwise, just deploy to internal release channel
- when doing an ota deploy, make sure that the the changes you're trying to deploy dont introduce native changes to the tag you're trying to make a deployment for (i.e. we tag the client commit with 1.93.0 when we cut the release, then use that for validation)
We are considering daily deploys through expo updates, but it’s delicate since any native change would block the release.
when i set this up, i used expo-fingerprint to:
- on merges to main, build a new client if there have been new native changes between main and the pr being merged
- otherwise, just deploy to internal release channel