hello people of Bluesky! my name is John and these are my friends!
nice to meet you! 💙🦑😁
nice to meet you! 💙🦑😁
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Nice photos 😊
Splatoon 1 Inklings: The official Splatoon 1 Direct at 5:15
(although it's worth noting that Surume seems to be named "Alice" on the SplatNet 2 app shown in the same Direct at 16:36. Not really sure why 😅)
it's kind of a long thing so you can read this thread I made on them over on Twitter:
it's unclear which name is assigned to which Octoling (or if they are for them at all), so take it with a grain of salt 😅
I think the first appearance of their names were in the Splatoon 3 extended turf war demo
but they are a lot more recurring than the past 2 batches of characters, appearing in multiple season trailers later on!