Taxes are like a signal jammer on my brain.
Abuse Culture project is on hold, mid-transfer of notes from Mastodon, which is just insane that I decided to start that when my accountant needs my tax paperwork in like a week. Trying hard to put a pin in that in such a way I'll find my place again […]
Abuse Culture project is on hold, mid-transfer of notes from Mastodon, which is just insane that I decided to start that when my accountant needs my tax paperwork in like a week. Trying hard to put a pin in that in such a way I'll find my place again […]
If you're having trouble starting a complicated and boring task, give yourself time to "load the splines." Splines are just my silly word representing the fact that ADHD and autistic people are more detail-oriented. We have a […]
Maybe next year the unpleasant memory ratio will be much lower.