Hard times come and go. Most of our hard times are self-inflicted—humans being shitty to humans or the planet. We’ll either figure out how to take care of each other and our planet, or evolution will take us out to make room for another species. Nothing lasts forever, including humans & hard times.
I hear you, but try to stay positive.. Those who believe in freedom and democracy will out live and out shine those who are opposed to it, through the generations we have battled against the oppression, now it's our turn.. we will not go quietly into the night. we all will be free from authorisation
Yeah, 2016-20 should have been the nadir. I think it will be long and slow, but I'm pretty convinced humanity is irrevocably heading toward self-destruction.
The adage “those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it” always seemed trite to me. But it’s clearly true. I will fight like hell, always, but people have fucked around AGAIN and they’re about to find out AGAIN. I wish people were smarter. And I am thankful for people like you.
I certainly believe in the idea of planting a tree I'll never see the shade of and all that, but that said, things may eventually get better, but I find it more and more difficult to think they will get better in my lifetime, and that sucks.
Few things give me hope lately. One of them is the fact that local politics are much more impactful to me directly, so I'll get more active there. I'll ignore federal level politics for an undefined amount of time and will just focus on what's closer to me. I'm lucky to live in a progressive city.
Even if things don’t get better, we can get better at dealing with the hand we’ve been dealt. Giving up is the only way to lose. Help those we can and march onward! ❤️
Same… at the same time I know eventually it will cause even those who voted for the chaos. They thought it was just going to affect the others. They’ll get tired of the bullshit.
A statistic I always look to that tells me otherwise is that over the past 200 years, child mortality worldwide has been cut from 40% to 3.7%. Things suck and it’s going to continue to suck, but it does get better, very, very slowly.
On the other hand we could be force to flee to mexico(irony) and live out the rest of our day in tropical climates, walking barefoot to local markets and causal drinking tequila and raises 13 chickens who are all name Blanche.
I feel the same. I was immediately hopeless and it’s just stayed that way. I don’t think any of us get just how bad it’s going to be. Bad bad. I stopped watching the news & have been binging the office and 90 day fiancé and the like. I don’t have it in me to fight right now.
I just don’t think there’s a world where this doesn’t devolve into massive violence. We aren’t our ancestors and Jim Crow isn’t gonna go over well and neither will our protests.
So much. We are not prepared to really fight. I’m not. And even if we were the violence would end us. It may anyway. Damn. Let me just eat some pie this week and live my simple life. May the end times be good times.
I am really concerned for USA right now! If Trump really cared for America, he would not have run. He shouldn't have even been eligible! 😢
The madness of U.S. & indeed UK politics of recent years, is ALL down to our societies evolving to majority non-white status. It is driving them nuts! 😟
(2.) My hypothesis is that it is a last shrill death rattle of a White Nationalist past before the future. It's only when the night is darkest that you can see the stars! 💫
These things run in cycles.
However, you can vote fascism IN, but you don't vote it out! 😢
My 23 yr old has been saying for years. I’m here for a good time not a long time. I think a lot of kids their age feel that way. they may be onto something.
They will.
Climate change, at this point, is beginning to look like a good option for finally ridding the world of all the human based chaos and criminality at present.
I'm hoping the blowback In maga supporters faces is strong enough for the Republican party to fail. But I believe in the next 4 years we will have another mass protest both dem and rep together. Boston tea party fashion but obviously nation wide
Americans aren’t great at protesting though. At least not loud, visible, truly disruptive protests. Or maybe we’re ok at it but we don’t do it nearly enough. I agree things can get better. But there are already things we should be vehemently protesting instead of still hoping someone will fix it.
We always knew society can break down, it’s just that we felt it was vanishingly unlikely. Now, even if it feels like a 1% chance that means society might collapse and any student of history knows what can happen next. It feels impossible to make plans. Should I paint my kitchen or flee the country?
Me too. All I can think of for now is we've got to be the light that others look to when it's dark. When times are hard, when it seems hopeless. We've got to keep moving. Keep everyone we love living because that's the only way towards a better tomorrow.
I have no answers. I’m just day to day at this point and focused on my circle. I’ve always recognized that there are people who would rather see it all burn rather than cede a thing or share in any way. Just didn’t think I would actually experience it like this.
The arc of the moral universe is long. We will get there, but maybe not in our lifetimes. But we have to work toward it, for the children, and the grandchildren, and the great grandchildren. We are the ancestors they will look up to.
Not concerned about it. I've already resigned to that reality for myself. All I can do is keep it pushing and to try making things less shitty for the few people I can
Things will get better. But our time horizon has to shift, and which part of ‘better’ we personally get to experience firsthand.
Now, in this timeline, looks like we get to be part of ensuring that better comes again someday. That is epic and worthy and wistful. But it is not in itself the better..
Given the current political crisis, #climatecrisis, and looming (and related) ecological collapse… better is unlikely.
That said, building a resilient community for a pocket of joyful life is viable.
So I share your pessimism unfortunately.
The madness of U.S. & indeed UK politics of recent years, is ALL down to our societies evolving to majority non-white status. It is driving them nuts! 😟
These things run in cycles.
However, you can vote fascism IN, but you don't vote it out! 😢
Climate change, at this point, is beginning to look like a good option for finally ridding the world of all the human based chaos and criminality at present.
This might have been the most important “tipping point”
Now, in this timeline, looks like we get to be part of ensuring that better comes again someday. That is epic and worthy and wistful. But it is not in itself the better..
still not losing hope though