They need to release their report. They’ve tied up the government with their criminal activity and investigations, and bogus investigations into President Biden for four years. GAETZ needs to be sent home to FL forever!
Why can’t they release the report to the public? We as taxpayers paid for it and deserve to see it. If MSM and GOP are too chicken $hit to release- give it to the Onion!!🤣
Not one House member is brave enough to read the ethic findings into the general house record. Is everyone that serves in Congress a coward? Our representatives are so weak that they won’t even hold pedophiles accountable? Russia attacked us and we’re not doing a damn thing about that either. 🙄
The Trump family is in Jeffrey Epstein’s black book. More than just a few of his associates are also connected to Epstein. Trump owned a modeling agency and teen modeling agency. Trump with Epstein used their own planes and boats to travel around with “models”.
The Epstein cover up is because Trump.
These same GOP members who protested vocally against the actions of said Gaetz, in bragging about his sex life and showing unsolicited x-rated photos to them, what happened to change their minds?
They just ELECTED a pedo—27 accusers, 13 settled outta-court so far—and a civil-jury-‘convicted’ sexual predator, to th Presidency! Why not an AG? Why not a DoD sec? I don’t get the reprehension. It’s consistent. Just gettin’ started…
WE HAVE TO TELL EVERYONE this. And even some Fox people (see Meghan McCain's husband) are talking about how vile Gaetz is. And that's saying a LOT when the President-elect himself is vile!
They're led by a sexual predator. We have a college coach that ignored sexual abuse. That's where Trump is most vulnerable. A series of "just the facts" billboards in front of GOP members of Cong who don't fight for disclosure. Not partisan, not issues just mortality.
Trump loves people with sex scandals in their background, as well as every other crime imaginable. They are easier to handle that way. It’s a common denominator for the Trump Cabinet.
Because that’s who they are now. There are so many of them from the top of the party on down, they wouldn’t even have a president if they didn’t cover up.
Why are you surprised that they are? These are the same extremist christians who want all women to be subjugated to men and ideally married and pregnant by the time they can produce white babies 🤮
You know they’ve read it. You also know the devil owns their souls.To know what Gaetz has done and sweep it under the rug. With no care or concern for his victims. Hell is too good for them.
Republicans circle their wagons to protect their own where everything within tribe is permissible. But they'll use that same behavior against the opposition if they can. Republicans have no ethics or policy but self-preservation.
First message I read and conclusion: social has become polarized. Not sure how bluesky is different from X. Just the other side of the same coin. You americans are sooo funny🤣
Well, yeah, of course they are. They elected an adult rapist as president, so this is who they are now. Abhorrent actions are no longer a deal breaker. In fact, at times, it feels like they're racing each other to below the bottom.
Orders came from the fuhrer.
Donald loves them young. Epstein knew & Putin knows .
That’s why he loves Gaetz.
Birds of a feather…
The Epstein cover up is because Trump.
Bunch of assholes. Period.
Every one of them.
What are they going to do when porn is banned??
And when did we vote for Sharia Law???
It's important.
Hope the docs are leaked…
They made me sick to my stomach
They can but probably won't release it cause we apparently follow rules and such 🙄
O ver
P edophilia
I use:
1. Indivisible Plan:
2. 10 ways to be prepared and grounded now that Trump has won
It'll never happen.
It will get buried — and Dems will be too nervous to “break protocol” and release it.