So you mean to tell me dems have been in office for 4 years, had cases against trump and now all that’s out the window and trump is back in office and gonna use the DOJ to investigate the 2020 election? Something he should’ve been in PRISON FOR TRYING TO OVERTURN
Correction: he’s going to waste taxpayer money to investigate that which has already been investigated so that this time around he can manufacture the outcome he desires. It won’t matter -trumpanzee’s will only listen to what he says anyways.
They will contest it and if successful, will claim that they are owed another 4 years or 2 terms. Not that it will matter as they will make sure to skew the system to stay in power as long as they want to. Or their chosen Successors, as authoritarians usually do.
My prediction: They will investigate to find evidence of something that doesn't exist, but will fabricate something to show the MAGAites. I mean let's be honest, who's going to stop them when your leader is a serial liar and his subordinates are bootlickers.
Most of the media is owned by republican billionaires. Don't hold your breath. That includes CNN and CBS. The sanewashing and bothsidesing everything is intentional.
No breath holding here, you're absolutely correct. They didn't even hide it towards the end; the likes of Jake Tapper, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, James Carville, Katy Tur, and of course their bosses, will continue their nice comfy lives.
I’ve boycotted #CNN #MSNBC and the rest of the enablers.
Catching up on Colbert and Kimmel late night replays since I work and can’t stay up late.
Laughter will get us through this.
... Agreed! That said, I still trust & respect the heck out of Nicole Wallace, Rachel Maddow, & Joy Reid on #MSNBC.
Will never again tune into Morning Joe or Katy Tur, among others, as they've demonstrated that their access to power is more of a priority than American democracy. So disappointing!
"New evidence shows the election was stolen from me in 2020. In restitution, I will serve another term with no election in 2028. So it is decreed."--OrangeFuck
False binary choice - third option, 2020 was weird as eff as a year - lots of people stuck at home and more engaged in politics, and lots of people really disliked the preceding 4 years. Hence more votes. Far more logical and likely than “one or the other was cheating”
I would say that people really didn't like the last 4 years as well and this was the most polarized election in world history. I know you agree with that. When you call a candidate? Hitler his supporter's garbage and Nazis. I would think that would bring out those missing votes.
Her votes were stolen that’s how!!! The microchips that are used to program the voting machines were compromised and a bunch of the mail in ballots did not get counted especially the votes of democrats!! I know this is the truth!!!!
KH needed to explain her entire life story so she could be approachable. She needed to dance in high heels backwards. She needed to have a perfect debate. She needed to stop campaigning to go on Joe Rogan. She needed to talk to real Americans. She needed to give voters more details. ...
If you broke the law and the statute limitation hasn't run out there's no reason to extend the long arm of the law. That said, laws were changed to charge Trump. Time to charge had expired.
Didn't they also probe the 2016 election, and then shut the fuck up when their own guys came back saying there was nothing? It'll happen again, a circus that's completely out of control.
Like we didn't see this coming. He's on his retribution tour. I keep hoping that his poor life choices and diet catch up with him before his inauguration, but then we're stuck with Vance. Or are we?
at least they'll spend most of their time running down rabbit holes for a few years like Durham. Then end up with nothing to show for it while the dems regroup and win big in 2 years.
What’s the odds that Trump’s DOJ “finds” data to support his 2020 election lies, then declares Biden an illegal president to justify undoing all the good Biden’s administration has done?
Yep. There’s all kinds of speculations why he really wanted to be president again. It is this. To use every means possible to get revenge because he lost in 2020. Narcissists hold grudges for their entire life until they can get revenge, even kills the people they think harmed them
This is totally correct, but neither the rule of law nor the Constitution applies to him. No one in power (including a lot of democrats) has tried to stop him). Ugh!
So he’s basically going to install goons to say he won in 2020 when he has already admitted that he lost. So they want to cut VA programs, Social Security and Education while using tax payer dollars for this BS. Wow! All to serve Trump’s ego.
So, if he somehow rewrites history that will then say he won the 2020 election, will he then be able to retroactively circumvent the Constitution by serving a third term? And do so without pushback from SCOTUS, Congress, and the Senate? The people? And thereby claim his dictatorship? #StopTheGrift
I unsubscribed the day after the Election. I don’t blame the journalists for their asinine headlines. I blame the millionaire/billionaire owners & CEOs who dictate the overall strategy, including endorsements.
How much money is returning to the 2020 election gonna cost taxpayers? The GOP wastes so much money in useless inquiries. It boggles my mind why GOP voters keep electing these guys.
It is important that voters in the swing states who used mail-in ballots and supported Kamala Harris visit website and verify that their ballots were delivered and counted. Please repost, especially if you live in a swing state.
Which is why my subscription was canceled! Fuck you WAPO! Everyone should follow suit. If you don’t believe we have power, look who the next POTUS is. They understood the assignment! Tap out !
Nobody should be surprised by this. The MFer said exactly what he was going to do. Media painted him as “normal”. Fuck you, if you can’t accurately report what a despicable assclown he is (if too angry for BlueSky, sorry, not sorry) The media whitewashed every fucking thing out of his anus mouth.
Why is this news? He is going to out Liz Cheney in front of a military tribunal, he will try and execute generals that spoke out against him and yes, he will fire and try Jack Smith
Middle America (because of the electoral college) decides the morons who run the government -probably didn’t want him to waste their money on old grievances. He’s hoping to invalidate the last election so he can have an excuse to stay in power forever. “You know? Cuz they’re all so corrupt but him”
the fact he still cant accept loss after 4 years & all the court cases he lost. mad
Let's stop giving them attention.
Catching up on Colbert and Kimmel late night replays since I work and can’t stay up late.
Laughter will get us through this.
Will never again tune into Morning Joe or Katy Tur, among others, as they've demonstrated that their access to power is more of a priority than American democracy. So disappointing!
Just more wasted taxpayer money. 😡
I won in 20 will probably be his last words on his deathbed
I am one of those subscribers who will not be renewing.
Bezos can kiss my ass.