My latest: As a father of two boys, I can confirm the old adage “kids say the darndest things.” Rarely, however, can a kid say the darndest things to the President of the United States in the Oval Office.
The kid hears about how his dad is the real president all the time.
Also, this is from a Tucker interview on Nov 5, 2024. "We're in SpaceX and quietly just do whatever we want":
“You’re not the president, you need to go” in that seat.. daddy sits there as president (Time Magazine)
Asking for activists outside where bigbro sends the dogs.
he is a brat though-but look at his dad. my 2 sons, nobody how bored would NEVER say something so rude. but bc I taught them that abd didn't model stuff like that
Cute kid.
All the more so because he picked it up from his Dad…
No child has their own opinion on "who is president"; simply parroting what he hears daddy and the k-crew incels say.