They should all be railing against it. I don't want to hear "disappointing, concerning, going in the wrong direction, or dangerous". Everyone needs to be talking like Jasmine Crockett and AOC.
Trump always adds an insult before describing others radical left, etc. (although that could be seen as a compliment compared to Reactionary Right)
Official Presidential title now:-
Putin Bitch, Rapist, Felon, Trump
I nicknamed a kiss ass snitch
Just kept calling him it!
Hey whats with the KP
King Pin bro of central office! You get shit done!
Whole place called him it!
He preened to his Family! Told them they call KP
It stood for Knob Polisher!
The whole staff knew! Running joke! 😂
Benedict Donald is Putin’s butt boy and JD Vance is there to clean up Putin’s dick after the latter is done with Benedict Donald. Putin’s got something on the orange bag of shit.
What are those Democrats you speak about? I do see a few like Bernie and AOC and Murphy …. But all in all it’s rather quiet as the country is being destroyed.
Yes! Dems just have to learn to play by the enemies playbook...decency is gone. Magas count on us just discussing things to death with no action. They didn't bother to discuss anything on 1/6 but they know we'll just mutter then move on so see us as sheep.
They should be calling for his impeachment. I know they are in the minority but connecting this obvious extortion of Ukraine and Trump's first impeachment is what they should all be talking about. Make it clear the the American population the president sides with Putin.
Unfortunately Trump and Republicans have turned all of America into Putin’s bitch. When did we surrender our dignity, integrity, and honor to our biggest adversary?
Putin won yesterday’s battle. He hasn’t won the war. Impeach Trump & Vance. Americans need a fighting chance against Putin.
And talking about the two sociopaths in the White House - one is the lying sociopathic president aka "Putin's Bitch" and the other is the sociopath with daddy issues looking for Trump to be the dad he never had. My apologies he didn't have a dad, but he hasn't found the "family" he thinks he has.
Yes, every one of them. I was horrified watching it. Just was humiliating for US and Zelensky. Now the propaganda will start. Even Russian media was there. I saw it so I know Trump's lying. I think it was a setup and planned in ad-vance. No pun intended. Sickening!
And when we tried to explain to Trump voters they just said oh that's just politics calling Trump a Russian asset.
We tried to say it was a vote that would determine democracy.
Trump does the opposite of what he promises. Read Make Anerica Great Again to Trump is just the opposite of his goals.
Watching tRump and vAnce attack President Zelenskyy as pUtin's bitches, is the saddest sight the free world has seen in decades, maybe ever! Shame on every American who voted for that orange monster. Horrifying.
No more words Adam. No more performative bullshit. Should have been happening weeks ago, but sane serious Dems need to be back channeling w/ military and using Gen Miley as go between
When have Dems ever been able to grasp the idea of talking points. They’ll be wringing their hands spouting nonsense about ‘this is not who we are’. Hint: it’s exactly who you (USA) are.
Zelenskyy showed more courage than anyone from the Democratic Party, Republicans, the media, the billionaires and past presidents combined. This should serve as a lesson to all… this is how every single interaction with this person needs to be… We don't really expect you to say the B-word, but as close as you can get will be just fine.
Did last night when I made this!
My latest FREE Substack newsletter comes out Sunday. Serious politics + fun pop culture. Please take a moment to sign up. And fuck Trump.
They won’t but the rest of us can and some will. Both are Putin’s little bitches, Trump and Vance! The sad part is, I don’t think Americans paying attention.
What our addle-brained dipshit prez wants to say if he had the depth of thought and vocabulary to say it is that “might makes right”. For his kindergarten level of nuance he might settle for “Putin stole it all fair and square”. Embarrassing and cowardly for the U.S.
Vance shot back, "I'm talking diplomacy that's going to end the destruction of your country. I think it's disrespectful for you to come into the Oval Office try to litigate this in front of the American media. THIS FROM A STOLEN VALOR JEEP DRIVER CORPORAL ASSIGNED TO DRIVE REPORTERS AROUND IRAQ
Trump will always be Putin’s bitch. He talks tough, but his actions tell the real story—siding with Russia, attacking NATO, and weakening Ukraine. #PutinsPuppet #TrumpRussia”
You have a big platform. We need to all contribute money to Ukraine directly. We need to unite and find the correct right place to donate. That would piss off Trump if Americans are sending money to him directly.
Please highlight how Trump is a traitor to America and is Putin's puppet. He disgraced and humiliated our country with his outburst today against the only country losing lives in defense of democracy by fighting against Russia.
This was a planned ambush to give cover to Trump abandoning Ukraine and siding with Putin. Sadly, his uninformed base will believe that sh*t. This was planned and there’s nothing anyone could say that would change my mind. The sliminess of Vance’s attacks made my skin crawl.
Every single member of Congress on both sides of the aisle should be appalled at Trump and Vance and their shameless display today. If they don’t start impeachment proceedings for BOTH of them simply based on the egregious executive orders and law violations alone, they own the disgrace
Yes and it’s Friday the democrats need to own the weekend calling Trump Putin’s bitch. They should be front & center throughout all of the news cycles.
That would require the Dems to get their shit together and for their leadership to get everyone on the same page. Sadly, that takes leading in a way I have yet to see.
No, it's time to call Trump what he is: TRAITOR. Now how do we remove a regime actively committing treason? Trump wants to go nuclear, you can tell by his making WW3 threats. We are almost out of time.
Donald Trump didn’t just have a meltdown in the Oval Office, he demonstrated his abusive behavior. His words, actions and body language cause PTSD in many of us who’ve endured abuse.
We know an abuser when we see it. He’s in full internal rage & shouldn’t have access to any nuke codes. Trust us.
They need to call a presser on the steps of the capitol and every one of them needs to be there to tell the world. They also need to invite every Republican in Congress and the Senate to join them. When they dont they need to tell the press that not one of them showed up to condemn such a disgrace
And, need to be calling for Trump to keep his hands off of leaders. Pushing Zelensky's shoulder as if he's his authority. And, placing his hand on Macron's leg, as if he's telling him to shut up. This is no president, he's a bully who acted no different from when he shoved PM Dusko Markovic in 2017.
Official Presidential title now:-
Putin Bitch, Rapist, Felon, Trump
I nicknamed a kiss ass snitch
Just kept calling him it!
Hey whats with the KP
King Pin bro of central office! You get shit done!
Whole place called him it!
He preened to his Family! Told them they call KP
It stood for Knob Polisher!
The whole staff knew! Running joke! 😂
Putin won yesterday’s battle. He hasn’t won the war. Impeach Trump & Vance. Americans need a fighting chance against Putin.
It's time ffs.
Followed swiftly by their heads.
We tried to say it was a vote that would determine democracy.
Trump does the opposite of what he promises. Read Make Anerica Great Again to Trump is just the opposite of his goals.
There’s a traitor in the the White House
Get your sleeves rolled up and punch some nazis or lose your country.
US Congress should take a lesson from Zelensky. Zelensky stood up against the Mafia Boss unlike the cowards we have representing us in Congress.
That’s what I thought about during today’s press conference.
Unbelievable to see, truly
My latest FREE Substack newsletter comes out Sunday. Serious politics + fun pop culture. Please take a moment to sign up. And fuck Trump.
Trump shits his Sheets🍄🟫
But 👑OBama has a Javelin🍆
And that's just sad as fuck
Please highlight how Trump is a traitor to America and is Putin's puppet. He disgraced and humiliated our country with his outburst today against the only country losing lives in defense of democracy by fighting against Russia.
This was all performative for their Master
Where is ?
They should be on the Capitol Steps.
We wouldn’t be here.
We know an abuser when we see it. He’s in full internal rage & shouldn’t have access to any nuke codes. Trust us.
I dealt with those episodes by walking away … giving more attention validates that behaviour & makes it worse ! 🙄