The only Dem with a spine! He’s awesome and I would help him write those articles of impeachment in a heart beat! It’s the only thing that makes sense- besides a civil war, which I’m not sure it would be a fair fight at this time.
Thank you, Rep Al Green. YOU are standing up for all of us. I wish all Democrats would stop playing nice, and stand up like you did tonight, against fascism.
Is this the opportunity to introduce universal health care? We need more people to speak up to injustice. Trump needs to be challenged line on line of his plans to rip our country apart.
this whole thing to establish a new order to remove liberalism from the world. Perpetuated by a cabal of traitors, consequentially there will be a list coming out soon with the names of evangelicals, money men, politicians, media outlets all duplicit in the treason. so how do you treat traitors
He makes an excellent point. Trump is unstable. He exploits his instability against stable people incapable of seeing it another way or doing it another way. They should've stayed home. At the very least walk out.
Much respect. He got kicked out. But Boebert and MTG a few years ago were much more uncivil to Pres. Biden and remained. But, he doesn’t complain about his “punishment”.
Let them call me rebel, and welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul by swearing allegiance to one, whose character is that of a sottish, stupid, stubborn, worthless, brutish man.
Thank you Al Green!! You had the courage that I wish the rest of the dems had! Every single one of them should have stood up in support of you and walked out! Why give this wannabe dictator and audience! We appreciate you and hope that others follow your lead!
This made me cry! #Trump should be arrested. Rep. Al Green was exercising his job as a democratic Reo. Donald Trump is suppressing dissent in a public place.There is no way to respect a President that disrespects 'the rule of law'. Down with #Trump!
I didn’t watch as a protest, but I did see the clip of Mr. Green being escorted out, and it sure seemed to me, granted the color on my piece of shit 75 inch flatscreen is a bit off, but it sure looked and sounded like the people to the left of the speaker were all wearing brown shirts?
Medicaid isn’t just for poor people. It’s also for the elderly and disabled. I have 2 disabled kids. 1 who is oxygen dependent and she’s going to lose her health insurance. Her medical bills alone will bankrupt us and we will lose our house and all stability we have fought to keep.
Yes Al Green is right. Trump was not given the mandate to touch any entitlements. The mandate that he was given to reduce inflation - he has done fuck all. All he and the Republicans are doing increase the debt limit for the benefit of the rich.
Once again, just as in our communities, we can always count on the strength+ courage of our Black/ POC leaders + friends.
I pray that in my lifetime we see more and more run and win positions in all levels of govermt bc they have a sense of duty + fire in their souls most Whites lack. Very Thankful.
Class consciousness may be the only thing that can get America out of this mess, it could unite ordinary people across the political divide. Even with MAGAs, their grievances are rooted in their economic situation & lack of power in society, they've just identified the wrong "enemy" (immigrants).
Thank you for standing up for those who have no voice, Rep. Green! The Trump administration will only listen to you if you have millions/billions of dollars to bring TO HIM!
“Healthcare has become wealth care”- Al Green
The wealthiest country needs to do better by its citizens. Cutting Medicaid to give tax breaks to billionaires and corporations is a travesty.
I would have refused to leave. Go ahead Sgt at arms, fucking shoot me live on tv, and you better make it count cos this cane is going upside your head at extreme velocity if you miss
I called his office to thank him
This morning, left vm. For being brave and real patriot. Also begged him to push Dems and new DNC chair to DO SOMETHING!
Or my donations will dry up
Wish he was MY rep. Instead I get Bugeye Russell Fry, MAGAmoron, who will do and say anything the Orange Menace wants because his constituents are in the cult & are ready to hand over their SS & Medicare.
Every democrat should have blocked the way and Green should have lay down and made them carry him out. Civil disobedience is the least they owe us. Sitting there with their little signs. Fucking pathetic.
Our country is in the grip of a pathological liar and our leaders seem paralyzed. Thank you, Rep. Green, for speaking truth and not going along with this insanity. I don’t know how the hell we get out of this nightmare….
He stood up. He was clear in his voice about why he stood up. He's also writing articles of impeachment. I appreciate Rep Green for standing up to trump's lies & deliberately hurting Americans.
Idk understand unless your meager comment was meant for someone else. 🤷♀️
Guess I didn’t say that right. Green was heroic!
I was speaking of the party! One guy getting ousted was “meager” with 258 other elected democrats sitting on their hands! Some did not attend which was even worse IMO
2017-21 Trump was in the midst of a regime change, restructuring the entire geopolitical landscape w Putin, giving him the remainder of Ukraine. He’s continuing w that & far more. If he achieves this, we’ll see a systemic collapse. We’re losing our Republic. He must be stopped.
It's breaks my heart to see Al Green trying so hard in a dignified and heart-felt way to protect all American citizens from the shameless, ghoulish harm caused by Trump and his Oligarch Overlords.
We shouldn't have to have to fight so fucking hard just for human decency.
The only thing about Trump that is consistent is that he loves to hear himself talk and always has a massive amount of diabolical lies in his pocket.
May 17, 2017
December 6, 2017
January 19, 2018
July 16-17, 2019
February 5, 2025
— Thomas Paine, The American Crisis
- Thomas Jefferson
We. Are. There.
Margarine Traitor GANGreene has never behaved like anything BUT a howler monkey--although that's kind of a libel on monkeys, actually.
I will accept the punishment!!
Thank you for standing up for our country and our democracy. 🙏🏼
Now that is an entirely different narrative. It sure is.
Fuck the DNC
I think we’re breaking up, but at least we’re going with the fighters
I actually think there's a great chance there has never been any 'real' attack on him. Hitler also claimed to be a victim. It's propaganda!
Power to the People!
“He has no mandate to cut Medicaid.”
“He uses incivility against our civility.”
I pray that in my lifetime we see more and more run and win positions in all levels of govermt bc they have a sense of duty + fire in their souls most Whites lack. Very Thankful.
Eliminate Trump.
Al Green was the true leader in this speech.
The wealthiest country needs to do better by its citizens. Cutting Medicaid to give tax breaks to billionaires and corporations is a travesty.
We will follow his lead but some of us won’t be nice
This morning, left vm. For being brave and real patriot. Also begged him to push Dems and new DNC chair to DO SOMETHING!
Or my donations will dry up
They looked like a bunch of teenagers holding stupid signs
Your biggest voice would have been walking out behind Al Green
I’ve said it once and I will repeat it… the Democrats have left the building
Is that what you meant by nervous, me getting filled with rage on his behalf? 😅☺️
Arbor day
Let's plant our future.
No work.
No school.
We occupy our towns, our capitals, DC.
Organize now.
'to protect the community'
Translation from CEO-speak:
The magats were going insane at all the support for a POC so we HAD to shut that shit down right now.
Idk understand unless your meager comment was meant for someone else. 🤷♀️
I was speaking of the party! One guy getting ousted was “meager” with 258 other elected democrats sitting on their hands! Some did not attend which was even worse IMO
"Get in good trouble, necessary trouble"! ~ John Lewis
2017-21 Trump was in the midst of a regime change, restructuring the entire geopolitical landscape w Putin, giving him the remainder of Ukraine. He’s continuing w that & far more. If he achieves this, we’ll see a systemic collapse. We’re losing our Republic. He must be stopped.
Spoke clearly. He was civil.
Or some such.
We shouldn't have to have to fight so fucking hard just for human decency.
FUCK Trump.
FUCK Musk.
The Dems were too weak, always playing nice with Repugs, when the trashy MTG and Bobo disrupted Biden's speech!