Absolutely not! I say let him keep talking… the more evidence against him! I know a lawyer that would love to get to him when the time comes- and all his little monkeys too!
Surprised? No! Surprised at the lack of spines among democrats. Expected among the repuks, but not the dems. Are we screwed? Certainly hope not, but isn’t looking good.
Funny how America and Jesus haters vote for Trump and Christians, even in the SCOTUS don't. Satan is in the corn crib and millions , perhaps billions will die. Very soon!
If she hadn't lied under oath in her confirmation hearings about Roe V.S. Wade she probably wouldn't have got the job and she wouldn't have to deal with him.
@schumer.senate.gov just handed the Fascist Trump and MAGA, America. Well, his daughter kept her job at Amazon. This whole family is one big American SELLOUT!
Not sure how that's related to Chuck being a sellout. Save the rage for him, leave people not involved out of it. Narrow net for rage, no need to encompass everyone.
When MAGA GOP is targeting Vets, Children, Women, Minorities, People with Disabilities,etc. NO ONE IS OFF LIMITS. why are people like you so quick to back politicians that sellout Americans. I bet you'd jump to back up a billionaire like a good little sheep.
I get it, you're mad. I'm saying targeting people not involved in the problem will only distract from and actually harm any steps we can take to deal with the problem. Impossible to see the problem if we keep adding to it. The problem is Chuck and his lack of leadership. Not some Amazon employee.
And I'm saying they won't listen until they understand what it feels like, just as every average American feels, when your family feels the effects and impacts.
Your skeet left the impression you want to harm his family. The type of harms you can advocate for are limited considering you have no say in the girl's life. If you're saying we should boycott Amazon, demand they fire her, or something else like that then cool. Anything else is uncool.
Hey, Felon tRump, Russian Agent and Traitor to America, I guess you really get orgasmic when talking about throwing your political rivals in prison, or have them executed, even. Is that correct? Tough guy, you realize you are a wad of rotting road kill? Change your name from Donny to Dottie. ZERO.
It’s all a distraction people because he’s losing in the courts,his tariff backfired on him.Elon is in trouble,many lawsuits so he wants to distract us. He’s now opening an investigation after the people who investigated him. It’s all a distraction. He knows he’s gonna lose,but it’s tax payers money
I agree. That pissed me off so much, have met Al a couple times, he was awesome in the Senate, and Tina Smith (who sent us a notice she’s not running this next election) has pretty much been a non-entity.Not a rethuglican, just kind of there. And Amy K has not need great either, but somewhat better.
A convicted felon who raped a woman, assaulted women, defrauded hardworking people and banks, stole classified documents, robbed a children's cancer charity and had his stupids attack his own government is the biggest lowlife hypocrite Satan ever created.
Fuck him and the Russian he rode in on.
Trump campaigned on retribution, locking up his enemies, including journalists and media outlets. He’s telling his justice department exactly what he wants them to do for him.
Americans don't vote for rapists and serial liars. Satanist do.
Christians don't vote for thieves and adulterers. Fake Christians do.
Everything that comes out of that man's mouth is a damn lie. He just said what he wanted his base to hear to get him in...they were sane washed. Once he got in, what we all knew, is coming to fruition we can't really be shocked. When he said he wouldn't...ya, he would. Hence the Pardons Biden did
Adam, please define "opponent?"
At what point might that become you, with all the followers, or even me with no followers put still raising Hell?
"Opponent" seems to be an extremely fluid word.
Gives Ca$h lots of room to roam.
He's old and will be dead soon and that nice Mr Vance might let you out when he's gone, or you can fire the first shot, but it better be genuine this time.
I have had it with the US. Far from being the best country in the world, the US is nothing but a miserable dictatorship with politicians who are either traitors on the make or jellyfish whose own skin matters more than the existence of the country.
No law and order anymore. He'll do it and we'll all just sit around and watch. We are not a serious people and we're finding out how easy it was to squash us.
Between all of my reposts and the occasional frivolity and team building I exclusively post ideas and plans. Feel free to browse! God bless America ♥️🤍💙
Are we surprised? Didn't we tell everyone that insane clown was going to silence the criticism? As each day passes, you best make your choice if you are going to bow your head or FIGHT. That will be the only choice in a short while.
They will eventually start arresting judges who rule against him. I really had no idea how fragile our political system was or how easy it would be for a tyrant to take complete control.
When the opposition party just rolls the fuck over and watches it with clutched pearls as it happens without doing ONE GODDAMN THING ABOUT IT.
It’s pretty easy.
They'll make us workers for Fascist companies until we die. Or they'll kill us off . I have no hope left that we aren't going to die in concentration camps.
This is what happens when you elect an adhjucated criminal to be President! America is getting more stupid by the day! We did this. His message was not to the career employees of DOJ but all the criminals plotting their next crime that will enrich him, his family and his friends. We are so fucked.
"If Vladimir Putin himself had invaded America and come up with a plan to try to destroy our economy and wreck the cohesion of our society, he could not have done better than Donald Trump has done on his own with the help of Elon Musk."
Mango Mussolini
Americans are so disappointing, I hate to say.
Dictatorship is arriving.
Democracy dies in Dem discord.
💩47💩, MUSK, and the GOP!!!
Remember, JUST BECAUSE THEY SAY SOMETHING, DOESN’T MAKE IT LAW!!! So far we are winning in the courts!
I am over Democrats
Especially these traitors
Cortez Masto
Fuck him and the Russian he rode in on.
A while.
Americans don't vote for rapists and serial liars. Satanist do.
Christians don't vote for thieves and adulterers. Fake Christians do.
Trump won't expect prosecutions immediately but is commencing the process of normalising the ide. He needs to indoctrinate his 'new reality'.
My ass
Only if he disappears
Fucking facist
Putin bend over boy
At what point might that become you, with all the followers, or even me with no followers put still raising Hell?
"Opponent" seems to be an extremely fluid word.
Gives Ca$h lots of room to roam.
I promise you ai chose that headline
What were they thinking?
Those teenage hackers must've dug up some DIRT on those traitors.
Back when nobody was paying attention.
It's funny, they're paying attention now
I say he already has
Schumer isn’t in that category
It’s pretty easy.
You were warned, now deal with it
Rep. Jamie Raskin
Choose your words.
Disgusting and shameful are more approfondire