I’ve never wanted to punch someone as much as him. I’m a 66 year old grandma, cancer survivor.🤞 I dream of shutting that face up with my fist. How anyone who’s not a conniving criminal can hear his words and think he’s being honest is beyond my comprehension.
That's his typical. Say stupid, outlandish, unrealistic bullshit that appeals to his simple-minded cult members, then make excuses and blame other people for his failings.
Malignant narcissist are the shit stains of humans.
Must have been sarcastic when he said all problems would be solved on day one. Prices would go down, the markets would go up, stop the war in Ukraine. Those were campaign promises his MAGA nuts believed.
He’s always got a new excuse for his failures. His promises never once seemed sarcastic. He might as well have said he was just joking or admit he’s a fucking liar.
Everyone knew he was lying. 24 hours later, I expected he would now bend reality as always and firmly state that he DID end it. But 53 days later saying he was kidding is so lame!
He's such a F'n liar. And if he was being Sarcastic, which we all know he wasn't, he should have clarified it was sarcasm. His followers, in my opinion, hang on every word he says. 💯
What’s the difference between sarcasm and lying? He lies each time he speaks but likes to say he was joking or using sarcasm. He lies and gets his jollies from hearing people repeat it!
And when he told people to inject bleach for Covid, he'd lower prices instantly, yada yada that was just being "sarcastic" too? thats not how the definition of sarcasm even works, fucking moron.
Funny stuff! Wait until the MAGA mouthbreathers find out he was also being a "bit sarcastic" when he promised to preserve their social security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Oooooh, he was _joking_. Yeah, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people is really funny. And ruining our economy and destroying the government is just a laugh a minute.
Maybe Trump could take his @#%$&! job seriously
Donald, how about you just SHUT UP?
Try it for a few days and then keep practicing.
That will avoid at least some of the times that you say later that it was a joke, or sarcastic, or taken out of context, or fake news, or that you did not ever say it even when we all know that you did.
Trump was also being “a bit sarcastic” when he promised egg, gasoline and grocery prices would immediately drop, and interest rates as well. And that the stock market would scream up.
Hopefully MAGAs will now know that “a bit sarcastic” means “lying my ass off”.
One of his favorite things is convincing his supporters there's an incredibly easy solution to very complicated problems. It works because they don't know any better.
Headline should read "President of the United States doesn't know what 'sarcasm' is". This is essentially George Santos saying he really meant he was "jew-ish".
Of course, all he does is spew bullshit! He's based his entire life on bullshit. When he squishes a warm deuce between his cheeks he thinks, there's another great idea.
That is not even an appropriate use of the word: sarcasm.
: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
: a mode of satirical wit depending on its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
that's obviously code from him for "I am a degenerate chronic lifetime liar with absolutely no redeeming qualities- yes I raped underaged children, want to fuck my daughter, am a career criminal, misogynist, narcissist, racist and fascist cunt! BUT 77 million stupid Americans voted for me, so....."
How do you even joke about peoples lives being ended when they were defending their own country and freedom so he lied about his support for Ukraine unless his demands were met? Or was that Elon demands.. I've lost track.
How absolutely dumb his supporters are.
They stupidly believed all his sarcasm. I’m looking forward to the witty comment about halving the cost of US energy within a year. Or the amusing mass deportations on day 1 . Or perhaps the humorous I will reduce the cost of your groceries. Dow Jones rise😂😂😂
Onomatopoeic Donald was Donald at his best. I really loved that about him. I didn't like his "bedroom" voice, however. I don't think anyone did... especially women.
Well, I, for one am satisfied. We've always wanted a sarcastic president and not one who just pretends to be sarcastic in order to cover up his stupidity.
We know when Donald says something stupid, he's merely being sarcastic and that the truth is really the opposite of what he said.
Everything he does or says is a distraction!!
CRIMINAL TRUMP AND MUSK🐀 are braking the USA laws and our constitution.
‘Cause they are illiterate assholes who don’t care about anything but their own pockets!
They are stealing tax payers money‼️
I think little X sat next to him after rubbing a booger on his pants and said you should use a sentence with the word sarcastic in it. My daddy would like that
Apologies, but back to Schumer: why is NOBODY addressing the reasons Schumer gave for his decision?? Everybody condemning, but why not talk about shut-downs, the lack of laws governing them, Trump's ability to sustain only what he sees as "essential",less-to-zero legal remedies , etc..no answers.
If an elected official can refer to their campaign promises with any variation of ‘I was kidding’, those who voted for him should be able to do the same and retroactively switch votes.
Malignant narcissist are the shit stains of humans.
Like I said. Hilarious.
He ran on it.
Like he ran on lowering prices and having nothing to do with project 2025.
It wasn’t sarcasm.
It's not going to happen, is it?
Therefore Trump is lying
Maybe Trump could take his @#%$&! job seriously
Thing 1: The absolute last thing that conflict calls for is 'sarcasm' and anyone above the age of 12 would know that, let alone a POTUS.
Thing 2: He's a liar.
Try it for a few days and then keep practicing.
That will avoid at least some of the times that you say later that it was a joke, or sarcastic, or taken out of context, or fake news, or that you did not ever say it even when we all know that you did.
Hopefully MAGAs will now know that “a bit sarcastic” means “lying my ass off”.
But probably not.
Trump is clearly not compromising enough.
Now that’s a bit of sarcasm.😎
God, is he a dolt.
A two bit lying sack!
That’s a bullshit response from him.
It’s also likely a lie.
The operative word is "lying", as in "lying as always"
: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
: a mode of satirical wit depending on its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
They stupidly believed all his sarcasm. I’m looking forward to the witty comment about halving the cost of US energy within a year. Or the amusing mass deportations on day 1 . Or perhaps the humorous I will reduce the cost of your groceries. Dow Jones rise😂😂😂
MAGAt logic at its finest
He wasn't.
Everything's a game to him.
His biggest TV reality show covfefe!
If what he says doesn't happen, well... it's the other person's fault.
It's boring, dangerous, & unworthy at ANY level of leadership.
We know when Donald says something stupid, he's merely being sarcastic and that the truth is really the opposite of what he said.
CRIMINAL TRUMP AND MUSK🐀 are braking the USA laws and our constitution.
‘Cause they are illiterate assholes who don’t care about anything but their own pockets!
They are stealing tax payers money‼️
A pathological liar is never that. It's a flat out LIE. It's what gives them breath, a reason to live.
Avoid these people at all cost.
No surprise there, he was just lying as usual…
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