In 1363 a medieval monk named Henry Knighton wrote about a common problem: "wherever and wherever [jousting] tournaments are held, a troupe of ladies would turn up dressed in a variety of male clothing and mounted on chargers, sometimes 40 or 50 of them". I ask you, where is the Netflix series?
Leathers Big Hair is the hero.
Except the car is smarter.
While on horseback.
At each other.
Japanese producers I think.
(Because Fully Tilt literally means “to joust” … the idiom is a reference to jousting)
The knights blink, stunned. The lead rider gives a defiant smirk.
"What? Tradition was due for a shake-up, anyway."
Allrighty Then
mounted on chargers or on other horses with elaborate trappings, they rode to the
tournament ground. In this way they spent and wasted their goods, and (according to
the common report) abused their bodies in wantonness and scurrilous licentiousness." 😳
I would absolutely watch it!!
Also most of them are gay.