I disagree, the 2010s fandom culture was indeed rough, but the current fandom spaces are a safer, more inclusive space for marginalized voices to share their experiences.
I sometimes think about how when I was in college (during the height of the pitchfork hipster critic blog era), your place in a fandom was defined by how much you hate everything; now, at least in music, it’s a competition over who likes stuff the most and that’s nice.
Yes! I was thinking the other day why I don’t care when show creators these days insist that their characters are not gay or whatever. But I’ve been through the trenches already, of course this doesn’t phase me in the slightest.
hell, they have no idea how good they have it. there was a time between the days of zines and the days of Ao3 where your favorite fics could be spread across mediaminer, AFFnet, FFnet, LJ, deviantart, and someone's personal geocities covered in pink glitter and you had to memorize every URL
I came from the early days of shipping fandom (2006ish) where it was really nothing but forum wars… BB/Rae vs BB/Terra, Kataang vs Zutara, Inuyahsa/Kagome vs Kikiyo…
I came up from those trenches into the Sherlock/Korra era—things are much more peaceful now.
Can we cease with the needless dick measuring over whose Fandom was more toxic at whichever time period? Nothing productive ever arises from these conversations. It is simply an extended form of generational warfare
Pls need a follow
Promise to follow back
"Look at me I am resilient from unnecessary verbal abuse!"
How can you be a fan of something, truly love it, and not want to share it widely.
Shit, isn't the point of living trying to make it better for anyone?
Being Smeagol wasn't a goal.
I came up from those trenches into the Sherlock/Korra era—things are much more peaceful now.