Thanks! I'm going in for some imaging on my gallbladder. There's a possibility it may need to come out, so that's what I'm going to find out today (maybe).
Sounds scary, I hope you find out today, I always hate waiting for results of any medical tests, its scary! I hope everything goes well! Again, keep us updated, I eagerly await your arrival back and am keeping my fingers crossed that you'll be just fine!
I don't know if it's any consolation, but I've just come out of hospital after having a brain tumour removed, so I completely sympathise with your feelings.
You'd be amazed at what modern medicine considers boringly routine these days, thanks to modern tech and surgeon skills. You'll be fine ☺️
You'd be amazed at what modern medicine considers boringly routine these days, thanks to modern tech and surgeon skills. You'll be fine ☺️