Alnur Mussayev,a former Soviet intelligence officer and chief of Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee claims Donald Trump was recruited by the KGB in 1987 with the code name Красные (Krasnov) -from the base word for "Red". Also known as Маленькая Большая Головка Яичка (Little Big Testicle Head).
These allegations have been made by plenty of Soviet and Russian spooks; They began after Der Trump first visited Russia in 1987. Mussayev legged it out of the Russian sphere and has been living in Austria for the past 18 years.
Follow the story about the president being embedded with Putin’s Russia since 1987, expect that US troops to be sent to Ukraine. Explains ’firing’ these top level military people who would not fight with Putin. So something is definitely in motion. T needs to be removed fro office immediately. How?
He should be in fing prison wtf?