Well for one we had a senator, Ernest Lundeen, whose speeches were written by an agent of Nazi Germany and distributed to his constituents. There were multiple groups with ties to fascism and Germany in America during the 30s, some that had made their way into our government.
Ok but when you said there were other things…I thought I was looking for hope. Having Nazis in American gov’t in the 30’s and then WW2 fighting Hitler. Great. I mean America was against fascism then. Who is going to save us? Apparently America wants fascism now.
I think there’s a lot of misinformation. We live in a post truth world. We have been through worst times. I’m currently reading American Midnight about all the civil rights’ abuses under the espionage act during and after WW1. If anything the states will save us but it’s going to be a hellish 4 yrs
We are in a post truth world and something needs to be done. I think the truth should be required and if they get it wrong they correct it on air. I also think dems, instead of paying college loans should fight to make college affordable to the masses.
Part of the problem is the conservative echo chamber like Fox News, OAN et al. They don’t really adhere to any journalistic standards. We’re so fractured we don’t even agree on the same facts.
not all Americans were-there were a fair amount of people that supported nazis in the 30s in America, it wasn't until late in WW2 that the US really opposed the nazis.
just saying this element has always been present and at times more out in the open. When WW2 began there was strong antisemitism in the US and people actively working against the govt. Nixon pulled all kinds of abuses. We have to push back. But I’m a sap who thinks good prevails in the end
I wish I shared your optimism. Send some my way. :)
I feel like dems play by rules and repubs just laugh and do whatever they want. I’m just beyond frustrated.
I feel like dems play by rules and repubs just laugh and do whatever they want. I’m just beyond frustrated.