He's been in his room for a few hours, little to no noise aside from the hum of a fairly loud PC unit..
He approached looking a little
Ashamed? Scared?
What did he do..
"Hey so.. I did something-"
He's been in his room for a few hours, little to no noise aside from the hum of a fairly loud PC unit..
He approached looking a little
Ashamed? Scared?
What did he do..
"Hey so.. I did something-"
Just to learn to be a better cook....
"Hnm? Yes? What is it? Please tell me it's not another explosive thingy"
She owuld smile as she closed her book, full attention on her hubs (partner? Bf?
Bf would be most fitting? Partner is okay too
"It's not an explosive- but-
Y'know my datacore fused with that crystal- it's basically my soul.. and-
I kinda
Accidentallyusedpartofit and createdanotherselfawareai-"
She would. Push her hands to a stop sign
"slow down, that was wayyyy too fast. Even for me."
"Now... What do you mean a crystal that is your soul. And... You created a what?!"
Deep breaths
"Okay so.. that crystal thing- the one that fused with my data core- is.. I think what created the error that gave rise to my sentience..
A shard came out
Into my pc-
I managed to reroute it all into a small data chip but
I think it's sentient too-"
Sigh. Rubbing her forehead
"You created.... Life?"
"..I think so-"