Alito and his clerks—and the other three dissenting Justices and their clerks—were in too much of a hurry to find any authority beyond a hornbook and a 6th Circuit voter ID case for the proposition that a TRO can’t order the govt to pay appropriated funds for work already completed and invoiced.
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"No Mr President, please only use my money to pay billionaires. Trickle down economics is worth another shot"
Is this good or bad?
Simple English terms, please.
There’s too much happening, too little clarification.
5 ruled they have to pay, but since there was a "delay", the lower court has to re issue their ruling, if I understand correctly.
And 4 said the lower court can't make them pay what they are legally obligated to pay.
Never mind Moody's and your fancy S&P
That's the credit rating that Poor people understand.
Their crime boss infamously stiffs contractors and suppliers. They’re just reinventing the legal system so he can bring that same amount of criminality to the federal government.