Marcos? Durerte? As "dyansties?" Yes. Both--there are many other post-colonial land-based oligarchic families-- have done their best to resist land reform, their colonial legacy. Land-based oligarchies trapped the Philippines into a pre-industrial ag-export/brain-drain society.
We don't recognize their authority. We also passed ASPA which basically says we will go to war if they detain any American officials or military personnel.
Native Americans, Irish, and Ukrainians fought for their homelands, all recruiting sometimes very young men. Given that every Israeli must enlist in an army that has dehumanized and terrorized Palestinians for more than half a century, do you really think Israelis think that differently?
Meaning start with what's easy and then move on to harder things. Nabbing Duterte is orders of magnitude easier than Netanyahu. (Which they still need to do.)
I'm very embarrassed in my own countrymen and in my own nationality. Those f*cking sc*mbags protect that tyrant? Justifying that he did well for the sake of peace and order by shredding the blood of others? I don't want to stay in my nationality forever.
More seriously, good. He deserves to face justice.
Seriously though this is good news.