No. Trump was the horrific choice imposed upon this country by a hateful plurality of MAGA voters which was only 1.5% larger than the those who voted against all things Trump & MAGA. It was their choice. It is our national shame.
I didn’t vote for this disgrace, but I am an American. As an American, I am ashamed. This nation needs to take responsibility for its choice even when it wasn’t our votes that brought us here. We have the responsibility as Americans to resist wherever and wherever we can.
More than 1 thing can be true at same time. McConnell failed to put our Country’s interest first & enable Trump’s demagoguery in exchange for political power. All GOP in Congress are failing their Article I oversight duties. The Am electorate failed the racism/misogyny test & chose this. All true.
Ah, but name-change at marriage is a choice & the government appears not to have any mechanism for updating the voting register for such unusual occurrences.
identify what is it that surfaces this emotion
identifying the problem
is the first step to recovery
Democrats hate people for the groups they choose.