Because they pretend to want to help us like actors while fueling republican ideals so they can profit off being bought too
The difference is nothing between them anymore
There is a problem with labeling folks like AOC with this. Some dems are willing to go to the mat with these fuckers. Others, like spot on and fuck them.
I'm going to say it. Either we need new Democrats in Congress, ones with balls at least figuratively, or we need a new party. If we're going to get tore up from the ground up, now is the time. In 3 years his highness will run for a third term. Let that sink in......
Let’s build a new coalition. No old and/or bought and paid for politicians. No Maga. Only folks who are willing to find the new center of this country.
Worthless. They should just join MAGA. Except they will try to fundraise on this and won’t have to share what they get. Aside from double fundraising, we have one party in this country.
I am a Massachusetts Democrat and I am furious ! I will not give one more single penny to any Dem politician or the DNC until spineless Schumer is replaced and they actually DO SOMETHING to fight Trump !!!!! 🤬
They are spineless. Lacking courage, integrity, or morals. The realk question is, why do dumbasses keep voting for them? Because they are exactly like the repuglicans. They just wear a different colored shirt.
you are so right....they are not representing US... they are COWERING in their congressional seats while our country is being taken over. They are so afraid of losing their free ride and their free health insurance , that they bend then knee and kiss the ring
The difference is nothing between them anymore
During a shutdown, the agencies can be closed until Republicans negotiate with Dems to fund.
FAFO when Republicans DON’T negotiate and the only agencies that are active are the military and police.
Not much that is effective can be done by any normal means
Legitimate power requires the peoples' ongoing consent, including between elections
Americans have overthrown their government before
No history book wrongs them
What is the point of you?
Your supposed purpose, is right in your name
Well, it's not like I'm going back. I guess I need to start a Democratic Socialist chapter here in my red little town.
explain what makes you The Resistance
It was a set of 10 who fucked them over by not doing it.