Brian may be going all-in & saying whatever’s on his mind because he knows it’s a lost cause and her mind’s made up, but he’s trippin’.
I don’t think Ingrid has any difficulty meeting men. She certainly wouldn’t need HIM to get to US if that’s what she wants.
#90DayFiance #90DayFianceBeforeThe90Days
I don’t think Ingrid has any difficulty meeting men. She certainly wouldn’t need HIM to get to US if that’s what she wants.
#90DayFiance #90DayFianceBeforeThe90Days
Instead of making amends & trying to do better, he figured he’d date a woman he thought was too young to know any better &/or too underprivileged to refuse.
In this case, I think Brian did himself in w/ his own bad attitude & shady character.
Assuming she’s still alive, prison ex could even be out by now. But w/ Brian being victim (& disabled as a result) there’d probably be a no-contact order & the show might not be able to get around it. 😕
I don’t think his accident made him that way but I don’t think he learned much or grew from it either. He’s probably the same jerk now as before his spinal cord injury.