This has obviously been a scam from the start. Private developers put no money into the scheme, but made money on the back of public sector investment of more than £560m. This is what the report carried out by Gove's mates said. An independent report would have said more.
I think that it’s fair to say that there are questions to be asked about the robustness of the governance arrangements, and hence the value for money of some of the key projects.
Timeline .... end of this year maybe 2026. Always takes time. Look at how long PE plugged away at the PO. But when the roof finally falls in, it does so with a mighty bang ....
And again it happens. Time after time the media pick up something have been reporting for years. Teesworks, Horizon, Bristol babies, Smyth abuse to name just a few.
Good, about time, after the whitewashing carried out by Gove. And if they do find any signs of corruption those involved should be prosecuted and made to repay the taxpayer. Fed up of the very rich getting away with robbing taxpayers. Poor carers earn 50p more and lose all their allowance.
This whole project has been shrouded in secrecy and controversy from day one and should be open to investigation.The abuse and misuse of public money is plain to see while the previous government closed their eyes to it.
What's the betting it comes out filthy? The National Audit Office should have been brought in long ago. Gove made sure Houchen and Co only got mild criticism.
Tick tock, Houchen.
Perhaps an added bonus from a Black Adder probe by the Bishop of Bath and Wells 😂