We need more people like you that will speak their mind coherently and protest peacefully even if it means getting arrested🤘kudos!! Even the governor of Maine was a fuckin baller today and basically told trump to fuck off to his face 🤘that’s tho leadership we need right there
I have always liked you, as a Vikings fan and an old 93X fan ( I think that was the radio station name). I wish there were more of you in our gov’t. Keep up the fight! Great article btw.
I learned more about you personally in this article. I am near twice your age, but I am proud to see that the values I was taught by my grandparents and parents are strong in some of the people today. Thank you for being an example to others. We must each do whatever we can.
Thank you for you continued advocacy. I’m struggling with feelings of compliancy because I want to be screaming but my husband is afraid if we start protesting we’ll put targets in our backs. It’s making me depressed because I just…. don’t know how to handle it.
I just watched the video for the first time and I think the 2nd most impressive thing about it is how you clearly kept your arms down and at your sides so as not to imply physical threat.
Excellent way to do civil disobedience! I hope to see more!
Chris, I appreciate what you’re doing. My gay sibling and the friends I have in the LGBTQ+ community as well! This never-ending obsession with attacking these folks has to stop now!
Chris, I have to admit I didn’t know much about you until yesterday, but holy fuck, thank you. Keep kicking ass and know that you are greatly appreciated
He got fired by the Minnesota Vikings for supporting gay men and women's right to marriage in 2014 and for publicly calling out their coach on homophobic rants.
Getting rid of that coaching staff and especially the GM Spielman went a long way to a better culture on the team. Priefer sounds like one of the most toxic coaches I’ve ever heard of. The Wilfs are very hands off as owners but I always wished Zygi had stood up for Chris publicly.
You are a Patriot. And I'm glad to say I was wrong.
When I first saw the article headline a few days ago, I figured it was an NFL tough guy going to a liberal Huntington Beach City Council meeting to talk about MAGA.
Unlike THEM, I'm glad I kept reading and, unlike THEM, I discovered the truth.
Well done, man. And I'm glad to hear you have legal representation and the ACLU working with you. Drag this whole fascist farce into the light for all to see.
Thank you so much for doing what you are doing. It's inspiring and I hope it will inspire more people to use the platform and reach they have and stand up for their rights.
So grateful for your activism. I'm overseas and sad I can't peacefully protest with you. I've spent some time in HB and the City Council does NOT reflect the majority. And the HB Art Center is one of my fave orgs ever. Keep fighting the good fight!!!!
Chris - I have been in awe of you since your time in MN and always appreciated the example you set in doing what is right, even when it isn't comfortable. It is a hard role, but you are inspiring others. Please, when you feel tired or angry, just know it matters.
Man, you hit the nail on the head about the democrats just doing SOMETHING. Scream, yell, don’t show up. Something! What a bunch of cowards. Keep being awesome Chris!
You’ve always stood on the right side of history, from LGBTQ rights to the preservation of democracy. It may not be convenient, but it is necessary. And we love you.
You know, he once totally kicked my ass at Magic: The Gathering at a convention room party. Someone had to go, handed me their cards, and then Chris proceeded to absolutely take me apart.
Bravo! That’s exactly the energy we need right now. I hope leaders on the Denocratic side of Congress are seeing the support you receive. I need fewer texts asking me for money, and more leadership. If you do right, you won’t have to beg for $5
Fantastic. Citing John Lewis was a great point, and I’ve no doubt he would see your act of Good Trouble as the right thing to do. Thank you for using your platform for good.
Thank you for your determination and grit. I attend protests, make signs, march,chant, make my voice loud, but I’ve yet to put myself in the line of fire, like you did. I have no excuse, I’m 69, I worry about my indoor animals, I’m sure they’d be fine overnight, I have no excuse….thank you!
A big thank you from 🇨🇦 You are a hero! Standing up to a MAGA fascist autocracy. Standing up for Democracy. Majority of Canadians stand with the good Americans too! Stay strong!
Chris, can you please come to speak in North Idaho? We are fighting some of the most egregious book bans in the country. Please take a look: https://LibraryAllianceofNorthIdaho.org
Once again, I appreciate your efforts to stand up for LGBTQ+ people, even if it is just on a local level, in these trying times and in the face of a fascist government with a nazi leader.
If only there were people who could represent us for a living. We could pay them a decent wage, give them an awesome retirement package with healthcare for life. All they would have to do is listen to our needs and then fight for them.
Thank you so much for doing what you did, and for doing what you have always done. As a transgender woman, it means a lot that you used your platform to speak about trans people are our history. Thank you for standing by us even when we are public enemy number one in this country.
Boycott the Huntington Beach Library as well as establishment that condones maga.
I hope more Americans join with you in acts of civil disobedience!!
Excellent way to do civil disobedience! I hope to see more!
Fucking amazing. Thank you.
When I first saw the article headline a few days ago, I figured it was an NFL tough guy going to a liberal Huntington Beach City Council meeting to talk about MAGA.
Unlike THEM, I'm glad I kept reading and, unlike THEM, I discovered the truth.
Kudos from Italy.
This is also why people with power and privilege, like myself (and elected officials), need to be on the front lines
Thank you for leading.
You know, he once totally kicked my ass at Magic: The Gathering at a convention room party. Someone had to go, handed me their cards, and then Chris proceeded to absolutely take me apart.
I'll never not love telling that story. 😁👍
I was playing a green deck that wasn't of my own making. 😊
We need a fighter. We have to many roll over and play dead Democrats in office.
Just saying :)
You should be lauded for your activism!
Keep up the fight!!!
Thank you!!!