My friend who is super progressive told me I was a “downer” because I told him I genuinely don’t believe any of us is safe and it’s going to happen faster than we realize.
People all over the internet excited about game releases and stuff that are months away and I don’t know if we will make it.
So it’s okay to be concerned (I am as well, for the exact same reasons), but don’t let it keep you from still finding joy in things, otherwise you’re gonna burn out
I'm terrified, but I told my friend group I can't talk about any of it unless it's specific + actionable. Go ahead and tell me about the petition I can sign, or the protest I can go to, or remind me to leave more messages for my reps-- but I can't cope with talking about how we are all doomed.
"the anti-Nazi left, including the Social Democratic Party and the more radical Communist Party, held more seats in the German Reichstag than did the Nazi Party...the parties refused to work together.The Nazi Party exploited this crisis by further promoting popular discontent with the status quo"
There's a fantastic series on YouTube called "Rise and Fall of the Nazis." It's a 10 part series. I'd recommend parents watch it with their teenagers, and polint out each similarity to the "rise" then and now.
Of course we have seen the parallels from the very beginning of this fuck-faced dumpster fire.
But that you can swap out a few names, dates, and location and it could be our current hell word for word makes me want to go outside and scream continuously 'til they cart me off.
I’m really trying to take a break from all this and watch the NCAA tourney which is my favorite time of year, so I’m not bored. I feel guilty somewhat for taking the break but just can’t get into it like I usually do knowing what’s unfolding in front of us
People all over the internet excited about game releases and stuff that are months away and I don’t know if we will make it.
Maybe tuning out for a day or two is needed for me though.
But that you can swap out a few names, dates, and location and it could be our current hell word for word makes me want to go outside and scream continuously 'til they cart me off.
How do we keep going😭