Aktion T4 did not end because of protest. There was massive protest against it, but the Nazis did it anyway. Aktion T4 was suspended (but continued unofficially) as personnel and equipment was reallocated to the Final Solution and Soviet front. It stopped when the war ended, because we killed them.
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It was called the T-4 euthanasia program. It stopped because the families of the ones slated for death were horrified, outraged, and spoke up against it. Stay outspoken.
They started with disabled children, and they killed relentlessly. The families weren't informed - they were lied to and had to catch the Nazis in the lie. Then the Nazis lied more and kept killing.
Protest only does so much, and we have been taught to not engage in even the ways that protest can actually be effective.
Protests are not an end goal. They are a starting point. They are a support system for real direct action.
But anything more is called rioting, criminal, ugly, shameful.