The quality of, or opinions about, the show are irrelevant.
These employees should not have to suffer the pigswill they have endured, and their employers should stand with them instead of watching and doing nothing.
She’s 100% right. Disney tries to keep crappy Star Wars fans happy, and they did this with TLJ, as well. They forget these “fans” have always hated everything. The same people that suddenly love the prequels and hate Disney Star Wars were sending Lucas and Ahmed Best death threats 25 years ago.
AFAICT everyone being genuine agreed it was fine just really bad pacing up front. Disney either needs to take chances and do interesting things or admit they’re just catering to racists with Star Wars. That’s literally what everyone associate with Star Wars as a brand: racist chud misogynists.
I like to think I’m not a racist chud but I have disliked all of the Star Wars shows with the exception of Andor because I feel like they have all tried to stretch a single season idea into 3 seasons worth of TV. Ahsoka had an episode that was not only pointless but only 35 minutes!
I went in with no expectations, blocked out the youtubers and really enjoyed it. It was a good, classic themed Star Wars story. Sorry they aren’t wrapping it up. Wanted to know Darth Manny and the Plagueis connection. They seemed to be driving toward the Knights of Ren.
Yeah, I liked it better than Mandalorian tbh. Something new and fresh, making the universe larger and not just recycling the same 20 characters all the time.
I overall liked it, thought it could be -better- (IE, they took a lot of super safe options where a different direction would have been far more interesting), and they started to get really interesting....right at the end, and now they're just hanging threads :(
I feel like it had potential that could've been realized in a season 2. Look at Rings of Power, and how they were given a chance to learn from their initial mistakes and make a significantly better show for their second season. Or Schitt's Creek, which got stronger every year.
I loved the show and it was so fucking weird to try and find some normal review stuff for it online after finishing it. I don’t care that some people didn’t like it but it’s surreal to hear people talk like it’s a universal fact it’s bad when it’s just not lol. It’s a pretty normal show!
The writing was off at times, sometimes frustratingly so. But there was still so much potential. And the fighting… oh my god. Some of the best battles in Star Wars that have ever existed.
Same! Went in with nearly no expectations and enjoyed it. I was annoyed that "Trinity" was killed the first episode as I expect to see more of her, but it all made sense in the end.
It's really too bad it doesn't get even one more season
Looking at the cast and plot of The Acolyte, it was so foreseeable that racist/sexist „fans“ of the franchise were going to rail against it, and so foreseeable - but no less infuriating - that Disney was going to cave. Truly disgusting.
I thought it was a mediocre show, but why direct a bunch of hate at the stars? Almost everything Star Wars related has been mediocre at best since the 80’s.
It’s been the same song and dance since Ghostbusters and The Last Jedi. Real rich for the trolls to start acting like victims when they get called out.
In the past, it was often so that when a production was bad, it was bad from the bottom to the top. Now there's so much loose money circulating in the industry that we tend to get these high production value things but with some aspect terribly wrong. Usually writing.
They are actually very cowardly
And yes, the bot is just OCR, so even if the text is in tables or otherwise weird I'd recommend asking for a volunteer instead.
The quality of, or opinions about, the show are irrelevant.
These employees should not have to suffer the pigswill they have endured, and their employers should stand with them instead of watching and doing nothing.
The rest of you: just don't be a dick.
Sucks we won’t see it out.
It's really too bad it doesn't get even one more season
Weird internet nerds for some reason: