(He helped the other drink the tea, laying down together with Hua Cheng then, and stroking through his strands softly, his spiritual energy like a soothing stream of cold water at the tip of his fingers, making the touch all the more pleasant and healing for his headache.) -
See? You are indeed quite clingy to me - naturally, I never mind that at all. So I'll be staying with you. Whatever happened, you have to get some rest first and relax, to deal with it later.
(As he spoke, his fish servants and a couple of lesser clones already were set to work to clean up the -
My body loves you in more ways? What other ways..?
(He blinked for a moment before drinking the tea while still clinging to him refusing to let go)
…will you be joining me then? I seem to not want to let you go for anything
(He smirked softly, showing clearly it's not a big deal since they were - supposed to be - married and all that.)
I'm sure you've noticed yourself - you dislike contact but with closest to you, and who but me is the closest one to you, really~
(As he spoke, his fish servants and a couple of lesser clones already were set to work to clean up the -
Consider this as a vacation - or another honeymoon for us~
Who tops?
(Why was this his first question.. he shakes his head slightly after saying it and realizing what he said)
Ah…. That’s not an important question- forget I asked that..
(That embarrassed him slightly snuggling into the other burying his face into his