(There was a long pause on his end, before he spoke - quietly, but firmly.)
I had my family taken away from me once. I do not intend for that to happen again. Meaning - I would very much love to have this child. However, I'll think of it once I get the said outcome from your brother. -
I had my family taken away from me once. I do not intend for that to happen again. Meaning - I would very much love to have this child. However, I'll think of it once I get the said outcome from your brother. -
[Reaches a hand up to pat his shoulder.]
I'm sure my brother won't be so...um, cruel, towards you. Now. After everything. Haha...
(Sighs and waves that thought off.)
It'll be alright. However it goes. I do wish Wudu returns from his mission and work soon enough so we could clear that up. But it's okay either way. Thank you, uncle-to-be.
[Gives him a concerned look, then sighs as well.]
No problem, I'll be here if you need me.