I have the number of 1 and am plenty friendly with the other. I know a few other names, too. We live in a townhouse community in Baltimore. I try to say hi to everyone, and introduce myself as often as possible. Ive lent my ladder to a dude
my other next door neighbors are cool af tho. Family of Mexicans, they work hard, have helped me with car issues, we sit outside and drink beers from time to time and they always approach me with positive energy. Love those guys.
I always think it’s old school in a way to know your neighbors. I love my neighbors, I feel like you share space and that enables the sharing of energy. I like knowing them. Makes the world feel less bleak
She's nice. She tried to be my friend. Our vibes are different, and it was kinda weird 🤷🏻♀️ I also dont like to shit where I eat, haha. What if that shit goes south?
I know a lot of my neighbors.
They're all super sweet people.
Except my landlords... They're very unfriendly.
I have the number of 1 and am plenty friendly with the other. I know a few other names, too. We live in a townhouse community in Baltimore. I try to say hi to everyone, and introduce myself as often as possible. Ive lent my ladder to a dude
We've lived here for less than 18 months tho
Is this another flip phone convo? 😉