So hard to come to terms with the fact that my only sister is one of them. She has a daughter and 3 granddaughters. I just don’t get it. She said the country needed a “change” SMDH.
It absolutely infuriates me. I work with a horrific bunch of toxic women. They run to our boss like 7 yr olds to tell on each other. It’s sick making. I do my job, I keep my fucking mouth shut & keep talking nicely to patients.
I went on and on about womens rights prior to the election. I had a "friend" from high school say, "Imagine saying you support women's rights while letting men dominate women's sports. He didn't take any rights away. Just gave it to the people to decide." We ended up no longer being friends.
The thing that stays with me the most is that they sold out their DAUGHTERS. It's maddening enough that they cared not at all for other women, but your own child - incomprehensible.
The willfully ignorant sold out our granddaughters as well. My first was born 12/14/24 and I’m pissed beyond measure that her first four years will be with a convicted felon, racist, misogynistic pig as president.
I'm pissed beyond measure on your granddaughter's behalf, too. You're absolutely right that multiple generations of women will carry the effects of these abhorrent policies. (Congrats on your first grandchild!)
They can choose to live how they want, but they don't have a right to drag everyone else along.