Fuck it I was gonna save this for a story that won't be out for a while, but this is a word literally used in a rightwing training manual:
"Street theater."
Most of these clowns at school board meetings are putting on a show.
Because that's what they're taught.
"Street theater."
Most of these clowns at school board meetings are putting on a show.
Because that's what they're taught.
They all use the same types of tactics and share across organizations, though, from my research and talking to people.
This is a game to these people.
I know that's mean, but IDC.
No librarian or queer person is grooming your child.
It's more likely the family friend, a coach, etc doing it. But it's easier to blame an imagined enemy than think about that.
Chris F Rufo might as well have worked at NYT, during the hearings against the Black woman that led Harvard.
The erosion of local media created this partly...
Rich Fuck who owns the MSM company don't give a shit about that. They want headlines that move issues and keeps eyes.
Has any journalist in my state started investigating the white hate group images spray painted around our state's capitol?
The media is carpet bombing for conservatives.