You know that it was a Catholic that discovered the big bang right, and atheists said no way because it resembles too much of the old testament genesis?
And? That doesn't balance the scales. You had the Inquisition, the Sale of Indulgences, the Crusades, Magdalene Asylums, etc.
Like I said before, you did once value science, now you don't unless it serves your purpose--- like telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies.
You need more kiddies to recruit and fondle in your most perverse Papisher ways.
Science says a human fetus is a living human organism.
There is no such thing as"pre-life". Your unscientific stance is justifying the killing of human organisms because you don't know science. Be better.
You probably did once but that was a long time ago.
Hah! that's rich
"every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God will get quite irate"
Like I said before, you did once value science, now you don't unless it serves your purpose--- like telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies.
They don't even have souls (St Augustine confirmed that fetuses are soulless).
Even Judaism permits abortion.
And one Eastern Orthodox Elder believed that too.
Blame Freud for that.