At a conference in London with several hundred people, most critical care doctors.
Coughing. Every session. Almost non-stop.
The only mask I have seen is on my own face.
I don’t get why people feel ok about this given the mountains of evidence accumulating around viral long term sequelae.
Coughing. Every session. Almost non-stop.
The only mask I have seen is on my own face.
I don’t get why people feel ok about this given the mountains of evidence accumulating around viral long term sequelae.
For doctors, and this group of doctors in particular, not to mask is, on the face of it (pun), totally weird, weird behaviour. 🧵
Some individuals higher up the tree stopped doing it and the behaviour spread. Most of those who didn't want to unmask weren't brave enough to continue to mask.
Without the defence of imagining oneself to be immune to hurt or harm it can be too scary to carry on in medicine: 'Maybe it will get me?'.