Clearly a fine example of a mind adulterated with cannabinoids. Ensure the receptors are adequately filled and try a double decker, both the correct way and then upside down. Tell me it's not different, and better upside down.
Sir, you think I don’t like double deckers? In fact I’m going to post this out there now and I’m not embarrassed or ashamed of anyone knowing but I truly believe a mini double-decker is better than a full size double-decker.
I’ve never had one but I’ve heard their legend, but think about it logically. You’re starvin, your birds just done a great cup of tea, one of her very best ever. She calls in from the kitchen: “would you like a Snickers or a Texan my bunny rabbit?” You telling me anyone refuses a Snickers?
Gentlemen of a certain age had it good. A brief yet life changing chance to enjoy perfection. These young punks didn't even get to buy a box of sweet ciggies either
Oh no Ged mate Texan bars were not designed for enjoyment with a brew. I'd be picking a marathon every time lad. Big fan of a marathon to be honest. Just not as nice as a picnic. Tenants bars were a dead thin layer of chocolate over a bar of some nougat type chewy shite.
It's greatness only get greater, because they won't bring it back...