Game 48 - Outward. Stuck with this game because of co-op. Steep learning curve, kind of jank mechanics but I came to love it. I had a lot of fun with this game and am looking forward to the sequel if they continue to improve.
Game 49 - Quake 4. This game was good, but definitively shows it age. Between it and Enemy territory: Quake Wars I wish both would get a remake or remaster bringing them up to date. If flashing lights and ungodly ammount of camera shake is not for you, you will not have a good time with this one.
Game 50 - The Cabin Factory. I'm more interested in the fact that an entire company makes bank from selling horror cabins than I was in the game play. it's short and sweet and fun getting to nope out of the conveyor cabins.
Game 52 - My Friendly Neighborhood. What a fun and charming game. it feels like Seasame street and Resident had a first person adventure game with shooting in one of the best ways possible.