Game 7 - A Game About Digging A Hole. This simple indie game nails what it set out to do: dig a hole in your backyard. I got my enjoyment out of this easily so and was not left wanting more when I put it down. Simple, effective, inexpensive experience.
Game 8 - Orcs Must Die! Deathtrap. and I been playing alot of this and it is fun but lacking in some areas. If the most recent patch is anything to go off for then it's well on it's way from mediocre fun to a good game.
Game 9 - Dollmere. Saw Jacksepticeye play the first thirty minutes and after that I went "Wait a minute this looks like fun."
I love this kind of horror game that doesn't need to rely on jump scares to get the fspookiness across. Got both endings and I look forward to seeing the next game forward.
Game 10 - Orcs Must Die! 2. and I played this in campaign. It's a bit of older title but still fun to play with a friend. I RP'd the Orcs DM and dropped rocks on the party!
I love this kind of horror game that doesn't need to rely on jump scares to get the fspookiness across. Got both endings and I look forward to seeing the next game forward.