Was given a prime example of someone who doesnt fit in the 2 sex box.. still says they stand by their opinion. U were given a FACT. sex isnt always binary. Jeez people. Talk about a brick wall.
I agree with you. There are two sexes. People should pick one and stick with it. If they want to identity as something else, that’s fine, but don’t bother me with it.
Way too much attention is given to way too small of a group of people.. it’s completely blown out of proportion. I really don’t care about anyone’s gender or sexual preference, so why do people identify so much with it nowadays?
Its about empathy and respect for a fellow human. Sometimes the smallest demographics are undergoing the most spotlight and criticism for their differences. I can think of a few other times this has been the case in history.
Look, it’s not in our DNA to be friends with everyone all the time, so let’s stop pretending we’re capable of doing so. In-group/out-group favoritism bias is hardwired in our brains, which are severely underdeveloped to cope with today’s society’s demands.
Not saying we have to be friends. Just to give each other basic human rights and decency. All thats being asked. I.e. i dont agree with most religious ideology, but i dont go out of my way to be rude to them. Ill still be courteous and civil. They are allowed to have their beliefs and identity.
Even if we were to befriend the entire LGBQT+ community, people will find another group of people to hate. Yes, we should all love everyone, regardless of our individual differences, but realistically, I just don’t see this happening.
I'm sure you have at some time cared about something that doesn't directly impact you. It's like that.
The reason it matters is because people are being murdered for being trans and queer. Your disregard and disrespect is what the murderers take as fodder to build up their violence and hatred.
True, and the people who do that should be punished, but there are people being murdered around the world for trivial reasons. In Europe, the media don’t report anything about murders that take place daily in Mexico, for example. Or kids who die in cobalt mines. Do you care as much about them?
Biology says otherwise, but you have fun carrying that (apparently important) torch. Until your generation dies out and takes the arbitrary bigotry with you into the ground.
You realize traditionally, most cultures have had more than 2 genders, right?
You’re being incredibly disrespectful. 1 in 100 isn’t “very rare” and the person who told you about that is one of those 1 in 100, and you just completely dismissed them with “That’s nice but…” Incredibly disrespectful.
The reason it matters is because people are being murdered for being trans and queer. Your disregard and disrespect is what the murderers take as fodder to build up their violence and hatred.
You realize traditionally, most cultures have had more than 2 genders, right?
Can you please clarify, what is your opinion that you stand by?